Monday, February 28, 2011

When you say no, I say yes!

It's been a week and I feel like i'm on top of the world. I know a week isn't anything, but I can't wait till I celebrate my 10th year as a vegetarian. I will shed tears of happiness but I'm taking this day by day, step by step, greens by greens.

You have no idea how many people my face when I told them I was changing my diet. Some laughed because they think I can't do it. Some laughed because they think being "vegetarian" is uncool. Well, we will see who will have the last laugh, and I will bet you that I will, because my choices will let me have a longer lifespan.

I wish people could OPEN up their eyes to see the toxic they are putting in their mouths. They don't see that they are going to seriously injure their bodies with hormone and disease-filled "meat" from McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, or any other fast-food joint.

Ok, I know a lot of people are unable to just stop eating meat, so if you decide that you want to start eating healthy, make your own food at home and make it much more healthier. Use lean meat, use olive oil instead of corn oil, and drink water instead of soda. Stop using frozen, boxed, or canned food. (Thanks Lesa!) Get organic food from Whole Foods or any other organic grocery store.

Look at it this way, do you want to spend a little bit more to better your health? Or do you want to spend triple for doctor bills when you are older?

The Fat Man will bring me down no more!

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