Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Can I take "Sick day" for $400 Mr. Trebek?

Ugh, so I'm sick. I went all exorcist this morning in my bathroom while my dog whined at my side because she probably thought I was dying, which I thought I was too.

I don't even know what I have anymore. Thought it was food poisoning but I'm not barfing anymore, and now everything inside my body feels like it's in a fridge. (I'm shaking as I type this.) I think it's the stomach flu. Whatever it is, I feel like my life is being sucked right now by a Death Eater. Yes, I just went all Harry Potter on you guys.

The best part out of all of this could possibly be that my puppy never left my side, I was in bed for 7 hours and she never whined or came to my bed to bother me. She even made me chuckle when I'd turn to over to see her sleeping positions.
Yeah, she's sleeping.

The second part is that my boyfriend, was such a gentleman. He picked me up from my death bed at home, went to Jewel to pick up some soup and sprite. Left me in his bed, while he brought over a dinner table tray. Served me some sprite, soup and crackers.
Now that's what I call love.

I swear, that man is my angel. Thank you God. He is wonderful. :)

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