Saturday, February 19, 2011

New Challenge...Day 1.

So it has been decided. I'm gonna be a vegetarian for a week. I want to try it. I think that it's important that you take care of your body physically if you want to do it mentally also. I'm not trying to pretend to be someone I'm not, I like meat but I know the danger of consuming too much of it. I will try it for a week and then after that I'm going to take it day by day. I have been reading up on vegetarianism and amazed by all the facts that I never knew. I have a couple of friends that are vegetarians and I think that is awesome. Never have I been that person that judged them for their preferences, I mean it is AWESOME that they have discipline to not eat meat when its all around us.

I've been reading about the dangers of eating meat and it's insane! Did you know that scientist have found a virus (BIV) similar to AIDS in cows that can also affect humans? Did you know that by 1985, 100%!!! ONE ZERO ZERO, of hens tested for Leukemia virus? Did you know that meat can cause human cancer, birth defects, mutations and other human diseases? The Case for Vegetarianism-By John Lawrence Hill.

How can anyone eat meat after knowing this? Fact: I am not trying to put fear into people about the dangers of meat, I'm just passing down information so that everyone can see the damage we do to our bodies.

I'm reading more into this, I am not just going into this blind. I know that vegetables also carry insects that carry more diseases. I know that if I don't consume meat, I am not getting Vitamin B12.

Yesterday, I had my first vegetarian dinner. Mushroom Stroganoff from Noodles & Company.....I said I was going to take this day by day. I'm not ready to give up on eggs and cheese completely. COME ON! CHEESE IS MY FAVORITE FOOD EVER! Mac&Cheese? Grilled Cheese Sandwiches! Beefsteak salad! Spinach Stuffed PIZZA! CHEESESTICKS! Fudge...this is gonna be quite hard. Haha!

It's ok. I can do it! My body is giving me a round of applause! :)

 Plus....look how many of these we are saving....<3
Please don't eat us.

 Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love

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