Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Walking the dog...

It's incredible how much one can think of when we take a walk. If you don't, I certainly do. I think of my homework and how much of it I need to be doing and how I need to stop procrastinating. I think of my family and how we all have a different problem in our lives. I think of work and how I can improve the attitude of certain people so they can stop being so dang grumpy. I think of my dog and how I wish she could get better from her allergies. I think of money and how I wish I had enough of it so that I can help out my parents, so that I can be finished with school, so that I can pay for all of my puppy's bills, and so that I can start my future with my love. I think of my love a lot. He is in my world ....he is my world. With all this thinking, my main concern is just finding a solution for every problem. And sometimes I forget that I need to breathe. Sometimes I forget that I can't control everything and that I need to let the world do its wonders. Sometimes I forget to follow my own words and remember that everything in the end will be alright.

When I do remember that ....I turn up the volume from my iPod because for an hour, it's just me, Duchess, and sweet music in my ears.

"Life isn't about waiting for the rain to's about learning to dance in the rain"-Unknown

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