Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Say no to hate..

"Cuz haters gonna hate..." ........Lol.

I'm inspired, OH MY GOSH I'M INSPIRED! I'm inspired to be a new person, no wait, I'm inspired to be a better person. I love myself, I think I'm pretty awesome and sometimes witty. Some people just don't like that you seem to have your priorities in line and that you have life figured out. They are so gung ho about bringing you down where they are. People can be reading my blog and say, "Sheesh, this hippy is all about being all smiles and loving everything. She is so lame and naive." Well, you know what, while you are over there thinking that life is not perfect and everything seems to be such a bother for you, I'm over here LIVING and LOVING LIFE. And....I'm happy. I'm not saying that I have my life figured out, but I'd like to say that I'm going in the right direction and I have the right idea of what life is all about.

Life is about living it. Duh. I mean how simple is that?

Life is about being able to appreciate, laugh, smile and love at everything that comes across your way. Its about learning from mistakes and making more til you make the right one ALL the time. Its about overcoming obstacles and its not over till you are no longer breathing and your heart is no longer beating. And even then, your soul will still be alive. I know it.

Stop hating....and start loving, people. That's the secret to life. Even Louis Armstrong said so.

P.S. Julia is leaving for Florida tomorrow and she is probably packing as I type. I'm gonna miss that girl. Come back sooon!

I Dare You To Start Living Your Life

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