Saturday, February 12, 2011

Oh madre (mother)

I love my mom. I would do anything for that woman, and I worry so much for her bc she has gone through so much. But even when her health is failing (she got a full hysterectomy last spring), she never seems to panic. She keeps her worries about herself to herself to protect us from stress.

....that woman always keeping us in mind when she shouldn't.....

Anyways, she is my rock, a friend I will have for life and I'm so grateful to have her but gosh, can that woman drive me crazy. With her never-ending questions about what I'm doing for the day, even though I just told her five minutes ago about my plans, or her wild imagination, which she always assumes that I'm lying to her about something.

Oh and she wants me to make her a grandmother already (keep in mind that I'm not even married yet and 23 years old).

I love her and I know that when I'm 47 years old and I have my kids, I will have inherited her superstitions, crazy thinking, and overwhelming love, and my kids will be blogging about how much I drive them crazy...

Madre needs to stop worrying about me, she raised me. I know I'm gonna turn out just fine.

Favorite picture of madre and me..

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