Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow, Will

So today at work, I was checking reservations for tonight and I almost fell down laughing when I saw this name...Will Snow. That was his name, Will Snow, and indeed it did snow! HA! Living in Chicago has its perks, but sometimes its downfalls....like living in a winter wonderland pumped with steroids. We are in a middle of blizzard and everyone is in state of panic!

SNOWZILLA!!!! Rawr....

I think days like these are perfect for CUDDLING up to a nice book with a snuggly robe and drinking some hot hot hot chocolate...

Be safe everyone and enjoy watching the snow dance to rock because when Summer comes and it's 105 degrees....everyone is gonna wish they were making snow angels naked. ;)

P.S. Check on your loved ones, as often as you can.

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