Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's THUNDERSNOW!

Oh my, what a night that my family and I experienced. It was completely insane and I'm so grateful that we were together, safe and in the comfort of our home. Although, our lights kept turning off and we screamed every time it did. Even Duchess joined us with her barks. Hahaha. Silly dog.

We woke up to about 20 inches of snow and it was a sight to see. I mean, I felt like we were in an igloo! We started shoveling our selves out. My sister and I spotted our elderly neighbor trying to shovel his way out of the house and my sister and I ran to the rescue. Loved that part of the day. I think times like these is when you need to appreciate and be grateful that you have family, your health and a home. It was a good day to be alive. :)

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