Sunday, February 27, 2011

I love you, Sunday..

It's time...for the List full of LOVE. :)

1. I began my vegetarian diet challenge a week ago and I love it. My body feels amazing and I'm extending this challenge for another week. I want to see how far I can go, I know I'm never going back to meat, but if I'm no longer just eating vegetables, I will only eat fish. I love being vegetarian. <3

2. Oreo cookies, I can just eat them any time of the day. I don't care if I ruin my appetite, I'm 23 years old....I'll ruin my appetite whenever I want to. Haha!

3. I love taking care of my honey boo, he currently has a cold and I'm his 24/7 nurse (well, when I'm not working) :)

4.My sister Belen ate a veggie sandwich with me to support me. I love her.

5. I love photography, any one with talent behind a camera's eye is amazing. P.S. One of these days I'm going to visit this place.

Cinque Terre, Italy- pic by allister ann
 6. Work, I meet the funniest people ever and some of the nicest.

7. I love clothes that make me smile.

8. I love it when my dog knows when it's time to go for a walk and when she knows I'm going to work. She is an incredibly smart dog and I love her.

9. I love positive people, I've been exposed to so many negative people this week that I completely and fully appreciate when I'm around positive people. Like you Julia, I miss thee! :)

10. Conan O'Brien. My boyfriend now has DVR (I think he was the last person in the world to get it) and I can't believe I've been missing so many laughs. Oh are hilarious.

I love to love all of these things, every day.

I send love to everyone. Good thing I'm done, just in time for the Oscars! :)


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