Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday Funday

So here I am, survived another week of homework deadlines, insane weather, and random moments...but I loved this week so here goes my top 10 things I loved and still do..

1.Baby showers. Just came from one and I loved that we are celebrating the arrival of a baby and she isn't even out of the womb yet! Such a joyous occasion with close friends that care for you. Love you baby Freytes.

2. Potbelly. Had another scrumptious lunch with my amazingbeautifulawesome friend Julia. Good company and good food is the recipe for a good soul lunch. :)

3. Shopping. I can't help it, I'm a girl. Hahahaha, I promise I'm not materialistic but I love getting clothes that makes me feel good and a girl.

4. Lykke Li. I can listen to her voice all day. I love a good remix for a good song, it gives it that extra oomph to get your booty moving)

 5. A good margarita. A girl like me definitely needs to let loose and have fun. So one or two margaritas unravels all those knots.

6. My new hair color. It's starting to grow on me. Fiery red. Meeeeow!

7. Valentine dinners. My boyfriend did good. He took me to Giordano's this Saturday to celebrate Valentine since we can't go out on Monday. Don't necessarily care for corporate Valentine's Day, but when my man does things like these, I'm not oppose to it. Especially if it includes food. Hahaha, yumm.

9. Unexpected presents. Co-worker gave me a book to read since she's seen me reading the Twilight Saga books for the 15 millionth time (sssssh, she doesn't know I've read them that much). And Julia gave me some seashells from Florida....siiiiigggghhh...... Summer, you are not that far away. :)

8.I love a good book. I love fiction but I don't mind reading non-fiction books. I just love getting into someone else head.

10. I'm loving my new control on my temper with my sisters. No need to fight with those little rascals. I love them too much to not spend time talking.
If sisters were free to express how they really feel, parents would hear this:  "Give me all the attention and all the toys and send Rebecca to live with Grandma."  ~Linda Sunshine

I love love love you, me and the world. 

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