Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wha What?

So yesterday I got a close-up of anger mashed up with impatience. Blah! Why are we in such a rush all the time? Why do people get angry for the smallest things? Don't you know that the more stress you put on yourself the higher the risk of you getting a heart attack? Common sense don't you think? Why put your body through so much when it has been 90% good to us (10% is when we are sick, but I mean come on! It is kicking diease's butt when while we lay on our bed!). So next time you get sick, massage your ears and say "woooooosah"....oh wait, that's Bad Boys II.

Just take a minute or two people. Everything is gonna be alright.
By the way, I dyed my hair today, didn't like the outcome but why am I going to throw a fit for something that is FIXABLE. I did complain about it a little bit (which I regret) but I gotta say I handled it a bit better than I would have a couple years ago. Years ago, I would have cried and cursed at anyone that came across my way.

Hakuna Matata. What a wonderful phrase....

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