Friday, February 11, 2011

Dear Celebrities....

Please stop making marriage look like its a bad thing. You make marriage look like a game and you can hit the game over button any time you feel like its getting too hard or you've lost interest.

Isn't marriage supposed to be wonderful for forever, not just the honeymoon phase? My parents have been married 23 years and I've seen up-close how wonderful it is to be a team. To be a lover and a best friend at the same time. I'm not saying that all their years have been just like a fairy tale, we are humans and we are put into this world to make mistakes but to learn from them, which will make us stronger, better, and smarter. They have been borderline of separating but neither of them gave up. Neither of them just raised their hands and said "I GIVE UP!"

Marriage is supposed to be something sacred, a union between two souls to become one undestructible team against all evil of the world. Marriage is the union between two best friends sharing secrets and supporting each other through the good and the bad.

Man and woman, woman and woman, man and man.....let there be love, happiness and strength in your life ever after...

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