Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rain rain go away....

I've been frustrated just a little bit these past two days. It's this weather, I'm sure of it. I know I should be grateful because mother nature is watering my lovely flowers and trees but I miss the sun. I miss it and I think that if it came out to play, I'd feel a little bit better. 

Vitamin D, I need you.

Lately, I've felt like I've let everything just get me down. I'm not bringing in the sunshine to my life 24/7 like I should. I need to meditate. I need to break free from some emotions that get me nowhere in life. I walk around and I see people noticing me. And how they notice me so. They notice that I have that extra something and I shut them out. I turn around and let someone else rob that extra something. No, I lie. I give it to them, I practically throw it to them in the face and they throw it in the garbage. I'm sure of it. 

You probably have no idea what the crap I'm saying. I guess what I'm trying to say is to let that person who is paying attention get some of your attention. Do it. Live and be free. 


Something that is keeping me going, is this coming Saturday. It's going to be Lesa and Adam's wedding and I can't wait to celebrate the creation of a new family and a new life! 
So happy for them and I love that they are planning to start their new life with a BIG ADVENTURE! Italy for a romantic....

I actually had some Italian customers come in and as I heard them speak I started grinning like a big goof. Love their language, for all I know they could have been talking about how the weather in Chicago is crappy and if it rains anymore, they will get an airplane ticket as soon as their done with lunch. Haha. It still sounded beautiful.

Peace, Love, Peace.

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