Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'd like to say...

Play me ♥

Good bye to winter! Au revoir! I've never been really fond of you winter, only of the holidays you bring. Christmas really wouldn't be complete without your white snow and the hot cocoa after standing out in the cold for so long holding on to dear life as the wind and snow throw you around like a rag doll. :) Good bye winter, you will not be missed. So as a farewell present to you, I've thrown away my snow boots. 

That's them in the middle, hidden in the obscurity winter also had me in. Adios!

And if you're thinking why I have two garbage cans? No, we are not a dirty family, we recycle! Lol, just a random unnecessary fact.

So on this delish spring day, my two loves and I went on a walk to the forest preserve again and I loved it. It's amazing how perfectly bliss a day can be by just walking with a person you are so in love with and a wonderful little creature you are enamored with. It was blissfully unexciting but it was just perfect and I wouldn't trade this day for any other day. I hope they both know how much I love them. I love them this much

And even though we had walked almost four miles, as soon as I got home at 10, my puppy had her toy in her mouth ready for me to play with her. YEESH! This energizer bunny just keeps going! It was actually pretty funny because as Iovan and I were walking back to the house from that forest preserve after making Duchess run a million times after the ball, we felt like we were walking slower and slower and Duchess had seemed to be recharging her batteries. Hahahaha, I love her. I love my little furry baby, with her neverending love. 

I hope that you were able to enjoy this beautiful spring day. Take some time out of your busy schedule to see change all around you. Look at the trees as they are beginning to show signs of new life, the daffodils coming out from underneath the ground, and the sun who is ready to spread that vitamin D with you! Spring is here and I'm so excited!!!!

Sending my love to you...

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