Sunday, April 17, 2011


Before I begin this wonderful list of joy, I want to say that I loved EVERYTHING about today. Today, I went on to my post-appointment at the dentist. Everything is A-Ok. I found the perfect dress for Lesa and Adam's wedding. I visited my sister Diana at her job and she looked adorable. AND my boyfriend and I went to Whole Foods and he realized that he needs to start eating healthy too.

YAYNESS!!!!!! (I want him to live as long as I will. )

•♥• So let us begin •♥•

1. My bf and I watched the documentary "Foodmatters" last night and that's when I saw his eyes go like this....

2. This awesome story.
One night President Obama and his wife Michelle decided to do something out of routine and go for a casual dinner at a restaurant that wasn’t too luxurious. When they were seated, the owner of the restaurant asked the president’s secret service if he could please speak to the First Lady in private. They obliged and Michelle had a conversation with the owner. Following this conversation President Obama asked Michelle, “Why was he so interested in talking to you.” She mentioned that in her teenage years, he had been madly in love with her. President Obama then said, “So if you had married him, you would now be the owner of this lovely restaurant,” to which Michelle responded, “No. If I had married him, he would now be the President.” via here

3. I love scary movies, and I saw a really good one yesterday. WATCH IT (if you want to have nightmares.)

4.Woke up to this little munchkin crawling in my bed this morning. ♥ I love him.

5. Sometimes you can't choose who you love...♥
source unknown

6. This quote.
7. Applesauce, it was the only thing I could eat for three days after my surgery. It was my lifesaver.

8. This picture just reinforces the saying that everything when small is freaking adorable.
via here
ISN'T IT SOOOO CUTE!!!!! I want to just eat it!...oops, now that would just be against my vegetarian diet. lol. ☺

9. ♥ this
Via here

10. Smart placement of art!
Via here

-Since I was totally late on my last Sunday list, I think this one deserves a couple more to make it up!-

11. Next time I order eggs, they will not be sunny side up, sunny side down, scrambled, poached, or just egg whites. I want them hearty.
Via here

12. Can I please have him?
Via here

I hope you love every day of your life!

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