Thursday, April 14, 2011

Let's move on people.

Today, was netflix night. I love netflix night, although sometimes I do pick the worst movies ever. Lol.

Tonight, I watched "The Express" I liked it but it was all too familiar. Black man, 1950's, racism everywhere, he proved himself to everyone he was equal, became hero. Hi, Remember the Titans. I love movies that show growth of the human mind. Racism is sick. Racism shouldn't exist. And racism should be stopped. In general, I dislike any kind of hate towards race, gender, sex preference, etc. Grow up people. If you call yourself Christian, did you know that Jesus was of a darker color? Did you know that in the bible it doesn't say that if you are black you're whack? No. Does it say that you are not allowed to LOVE whoever you want to? No. Does it say that just because you are woman, you are nothing but just air? No. Get on with 2011, it's a whole new world and you need to accept that fact that hate is not the way to go.


BUT I also dislike that people, especially my African-American friends keep pushing racism at our face with comments such as "My ancestors suffered so much because of you white people." "My ancestors were cotton pickers and were killed because of you white people." "My ancestors fought for the right to sit on this bus, so I'm gonna do whatever I want." I get it. I took history 101. We've seen the videos of police beating people because of their color of skin. We've seen the videos of people spitting and throwing rocks and making people sit in the back of the bus because of the color of their skin. I know that so many great people like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, stood up for the right of so many people because of the color of their skin. I know it but you need to stop with these comments because all you do is bringing up the past and we are living in the future. How bout you concentrate on that. We know that a hundred years ago many people suffered, but you are not them and now we are living in the 21st century. Let's leave the past in the past and let it be that.


And to all of you people against gay marriage read this and engrave it in that pretty little head of yours.

And to all you MEN that think less of us woman know that.....
Love all of you, even if you are still living in 1900's. 

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