Thursday, April 7, 2011

1-2-3 aaaaand....

Breathe......just breathe...

Have you ever stood right next to someone who is complaining to no end about how much they hate the place they work at and how everyone who works there is stupid and annoying and useless? 


If you don't like it! QUIT! And if you can't quit, then SUCK IT UP! How many times must you complain per minute? There should be a limit and you're privileges should be revoked. I mean good GOD! You're negativity was suffocating and all I tried to do was send you good vibes, to tell you to calm down, to remind you that its nothing worth getting so worked up for. Believe me, nothing like what you were complaining about was worth it. Nothing.

First of all, lets be thankful we HAVE a job. Want to take a ride down to the unemployment office? Yeah, I didn't think so. Second of all, be thankful that you have a job that doesn't consist of endangering your lives every minute. I'm sure the only thing that can happen is you breaking a glass and cutting your finger while picking up the pieces.

People, we must all learn to not take everything so serious. Work+mean managers+mean(backstabbing) coworkers+silly people that come in+unexpected turn of events=Temporary moments of insanity. And when you are 60 with 20 stress ulcers, bald head, constant chest pains, you are going to have bigger things to worry about then.

And if there is something deeper beneath the surface, maybe you should think about talking to someone, or how bout taking a vacation? You're not doing any good to that temple of yours.

Work on living, how about that. Work on learning how to pick your battles.

Breathe people.....just breathe.

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