Friday, April 8, 2011

See you later, alligator. :)

She is gonna leave. My friend, whom I've fallen head over heels for, is leaving me in this wintery city. My Julia Gulia! But there shall be no sadness, she is going to be happy, and I'm happy for her. She is going to a place that brings nothing but love and peace because she is going to be with the people that bring her nothing but joy. Her family. :)

I'm a little sad because I didn't get to do all the things I had hoped to have done with her this summer. Like eat in the park, go to the beach, and talk hours and hours in a small coffee shop about how great life is.

She truly is a person that I have thanked God for pointing me in her direction. She is great, she is beautiful, and she is amazing. This world needs more hearts and minds like her. When you see bad, she sees good. When you say wrong, she sees the right. And even though it was only a little time in which I've gotten to know her, it was enough and I'm thankful for the amount of time I was given.

My dear Julia, never ever forget for one millisecond how beautiful inside and outside you are. In a moment of doubt or distress look to the sky and know that He has great things in store for you. BIG AMAZING THINGS! Maybe the reason your heart decided to take you to Florida is so that you can touch more people's lives and change the world for the better.....yeah, I think that's it. Well, one thing for sure, you've touched mine and I want to say thanks for being there for me in every small way.

I'm not going to say goodbye because I know for a fact, God wants us to be friends forever. Mah little Florida Flower! You're not gone yet and I already miss you. Haha! See you later alligator. :)

1 comment:

  1. My beautiful angel flower!! I'm head over heels for you too! You are such an amazing person, keep on shining! We will definitely see each other soon. Love you!! <3
