Monday, April 11, 2011

Oh darn...

This weekend was bit of a tornado for me. Friday I was preparing myself for the worst. See, I was scheduled on Saturday to get my wisdom teeth removed (ALL OF THEM!) So as the date got closer, I was freaking out...hard. Friday I stopped eating at 10ish? They told me I couldn't eat 12 hours before the surgery. Being as careful as I am I stopped eating hours before that. Big mistake (tell you about it later). Saturday came and the first thing I wanted was a big glass of water...

Actually, I wanted ten of those...
Its funny how the mind works, once you tell it you can't have something you think of nothing but IT! Ugh!

Well, my trick was to just stay away from the kitchen as much as I could. BUT of course, I was in charge of washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. Lol. Geez. As soon as I finished my chores, I went to the living room and on to netflix and I had decided that I was going to start watching Dexter.

Michael C Hall started talking, and I fell in love immediately with this show! What a show I've been missing. I mean, I don't exactly like all the killing but as long as he doing it to keep from other people from killing its all good. (If you haven't watched it, I'm sorry for spoiling it!) The one big bad thing about this show is that he is EATING ALMOST THE WHOLE TIME! Dear cheeses, that day was not going as smoothly as I planned. Well, it was 3 and I could feel my heart beat racing. On my way to the dentist I did nothing but shut out my boyfriend. I didn't even want to look at him in the face. I was so nervous I was going to throw up. We are in the elevator and I'm pacing in this 8 by 8 box. We get to the office and they make me wait like 10 minutes so they can make me suffer more, I'm sure of it. Lol. I get called in and I hear my boyfriend say "Good luck" behind me. Good luck, pft, you should have kissed me and said "You'll be fine baby". Good luck? Did I need it? My heart started racing more and I could feel my legs start to buckle. In my head I was like "Get it together Marcela! Don't you dare start panicking now!" I sat down, they asked me questions blah blah blah and I'm thinking "Get to it Doc! Just stick a needle in me and put me to sleep so I can have some good dreams."

Well, they brought out the needle, GULP, and they said "Since you actually haven't eaten for more than 12 hours we are going to have trouble finding a vein, so it might take a lot of tries." Great. They found the vein the first try. Phew! They set up the IV and they took me to The room and that's when it all began. They injected something into my was the drugs and all I remember was the blinds move like they were dancing. I felt helpless like I was falling into a huge cave and I kept falling and falling. I don't remember much, I remember bits and pieces. I thought I heard someone laughing, I was probably trying to talk in my sleep. Yeah, I do that a lot. So embarrassed. I wake up and tears are flowing down my cheek. I don't know why! I was crying and they brought my boyfriend to the room to help me relax. That sure as hell didn't work. I saw him and I wanted to cry more! Lol. Well, I thought I heard the dentist assistant say "Oh, when I had mine out, I was bawling like a baby." That made me feel better until I asked my boyfriend if I had heard right, he said "Maybe she just said that to make you feel better". Crap. Well, the boyfriend took care of me like always but these drugs made me a bitch. I don't know why but I kept crying and every time my boyfriend wanted to say something I wanted to punch him and call him a cheater. LOL! WHAT?! I'm crazy, and these IV sedations will happen no more. I heavily dislike drugs now. They make me feel so vulnerable and I dislike not having control of my emotions.

The next day was the same thing. My parents left me for five hours, I wanted to punch someone because I had no one to be my personal nurse. They come and ask if I was hungry and I thought "YES I'M HUNGRY! I WANTED A BURGER! FUDGE MY VEGETARIAN DIET! GIVE ME SOMETHING HUGE!" but I replied no, went to the fridge took out a stupid applesauce that my boyfriend had lovingly bought for me along with yogurt, which at the time I wanted to throw them at his face. I wanted him to bring me a burger he had bought himself after the surgery. And to make it worse, it was ABSOLUTELY beautiful yesterday and all I wanted to do was lay in bed and watch Dexter.Dexter.Dexter. My poor puppy kept whining and looking at me with those sad puppy eyes and I said "Leave me alone, Duchess." Sigh...see, I told you, I was a total bitch and I blame the meds and my pain. Blah! So the day went worse and I could only say this, to everyone I had screamed especially my dear mommy, I'm so sorry. I was going all exorcist on them and I hope that they could forgive a poor girl that just got four teeth pulled out in one day.

Yeah, see, I told you. A tornado weekend. I love my sister Belen for bringing me vanilla ice cream and my cute sister Diana for getting me the delicious chocolate cake. They were my angels yesterday. ♥ The good thing that came out of this was that the surgery was successful and for that, I'm so grateful. Thanks Big Guy. :) Now take away this demon I have inside me now! Purty please.

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