Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ever After: Cinderella Story.

So my sister was watching one of our favorite movies "Ever After: Cinderella Story" with Drew Barrymore and she said "I don't like it that the prince didn't save her. She had to save herself." And it was almost as in that moment I heard something click and she said "Oh wait! I do like it! They are trying to say that a woman doesn't need a prince charming to save her. She can save, after 13 years I figured it out. Ha"

Silly girl, but yes, she is right, I loved that they didn't go with the same old story about a man always having to save a woman from danger. It sucks that so many movies have made us seem as the victim and we need other people to do the saving. The good old damsel in distress....

They've replayed the story over and over again, and when a young girl sees this, it is engraved in her head so she grows up wanting to have a man help her at all times .They have this idea that life without prince charming would make life all more hard. I mean it's nice when a man has our best interest and help us.....but we are perfectly capable of saving ourselves. We are women and we can do what man can do....sometimes even better.

I hope mothers, future mothers, aunts, cousins, and friends will take the time to tell young girls everyday that they are strong, independent, and beautiful. Tell them every chance they can get. Now don't get me wrong, I think men are wonderful, amazing, and loving, but the only person that can save us is ourselves. Always and forever.


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