Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Here, take it.

Want to know what unselfishness is? 

When you give your parents half of your check every time and don't expect anything in return because you know they are having a bad time.

When you've given half of your food to someone else even though you feel like fainting because you haven't gotten the chance to eat all day.

When you get up extra early just to give someone a ride to school or work.

When you give half of your favorite cookie to someone who has been mean to you the whole day.

When you put your problems aside for a second just to help someone through theirs.

When you love and you expect to get nothing else in return. Not one thing.

I've just described my family, friends, and my love. And they are so beautiful, each and everyone one of them. I'm so grateful to be in the presence of such wonderful hearts.  

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