Sunday, July 10, 2011

What? ILYSL is back?! WHAT?!

I'm a lazy girl some times....ok, most of the times but I try really hard not to be. I promise! Stuff happens, and I get to tired to even look at the computer and post something up and I wish everyone could just KNOW what I want to talk about. Hahaha...Anyways, my friend pointed out on this post that I put up recently about stop dreaming and wishing for things to happen and just accept life how it comes. I wish I wouldn't have post that up because it just made everything what I had said on my other posts just not mean anything. I do want to dream and I do want to wish. Dreaming is such a huge part of everyone's life but the one thing I do want to start doing is also TRYING. Doing something to achieve the goal, the dream, the future. WE all need to start being proactive in life. Let's get with it.

So without further is I LOVE YOU, SUNDAY LIST! wooo wooo

1. This heart melting text....

2. Two people going two different ways can still find themselves crossing paths and love.......

3. This song. "I want everyone to know, I was here. I lived, I loved. I was here, I did, I done."

4. This magical underwater photo..

5. My new kitty, her name is Lucky (Lucky because she is lucky to have found us and we are lucky to have found her) :) Although, I really wish we could have called Katy Purry...

6. My baby Duchess, for putting up with Lucky attacking her tail any chance she gets..

7. Niagara Falls, it's truly a spectacular view to see.

8. Very true...

9. This pretty and creepy picture of Amanda Seyfried....

10. I love summer, and these pictures sum up what it should be like every day of my life. Falling asleep with the sun and pretending I'm a mermaid ♥


Good night...sweet dreams ♥☺

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