Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Couldn't have said it better....

"Do you ever feel like you are waiting for your 'real life' to happen? And you think about the things you want in life and go, 'when I lose weight I'll do this', 'when I've saved up enough money I'll do that', 'when I get married....'.... you get my drift. I do it all the time. It's exhausting and self deprecating. Because life is passing me by and I'm really not enjoying it as much as I should. Maybe because thus far it isn't what I had planned/thought it would be like. But maybe, finally, I'm starting to realise that even though it may not be the path I had envisaged, what I am doing, where I am going and who I am sharing it with is pretty amazing. This is a difficult place to come to - especially when so many around you are travelling the path you had envisaged for yourself. Clearly this is supposed to be my journey, so its time to embrace it and enjoy, and who knows, when I start doing this, I'll appreciate myself more and what I have to offer. Time to act and be in the moment- because you never know what is just around the corner x"
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this post is from a fellow blogger and she took the words right out of my mouth.

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