Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Little angel...

Today, was a sad day. Well, that is what people keep saying. I feel it, I see it, I know it but we can't do anything.

See, today, July 5, 2011 a nationwide known trial has come to an end. A two and a half year old girl was killed, hidden underneath the earth and not found till months later. Mother did not report her missing for a good month, and as she stood behind the stands, as she was asked a million times what happened on that fateful night where that beautiful little angel died in the hands of a monster, she said nothing. She "knew" nothing. She felt nothing. That's what we could all see. The verdict was reached after only ten hours. The verdict: Not guilty.

What? Not guilty? But the evidence is there! She didn't report her ONLY daughter for THIRTY-ONE days! She partied! She got a tattoo saying "Bella Vitta" "Beautiful Life" during the time her daughter was missing.

What? Not guilty? It can't be. She was the killer. She is the killer. That is what everyone is saying, no, screaming more like it. Justice was "not served" for baby Caylee Anthony and I hope that people will stop fretting about it. See, I'm against the death penalty. I am against killing people who kill people. See how stupid that sounds? It's fighting fire with fire and we become the monsters to the monsters when we never have the option of deciding someone should die or not. Everyone is so attached to this case because I mean, when you see the pictures of little Caylee, she reminds you or your little sister, your little nephew, your little granddaughter.....your little daughter. And you think, "Who can ever hurt someone so small? So helpless? Who can ever hurt a little person that brings so much joy, love, and life to your life? Who? Only a monster, and they deserve to die." Believe me, I thought the same and I felt anger in me. But I think, Who are we to end the life of another human being? No matter how dark that person is, or however mentally wrong that person is, we can't decide. It is not up to us and I actually believe killing someone for their wrongdoing is the easy way out for them. The only way I know someone can suffer is to keep them alive and make them repeat those images in their head until it hurts them so much that they feel like they are suffocating. And if they never have feelings or emotions about it, I know that when their physical life ends, the punishment will begin.

What hurts me the most is that she is not locked up. In that I believe. I believe that dangerous people should be behind bars like dogs, because if that's how they want to act, then in a cage they belong. That's how you take their life.

But people, stop fretting, stop using all your energy to create hate, and pray. Pray for Caylee. Pray that she is finally now in peace and harmony. She is after all now a star in the sky. I know it. A little angel in heaven. Harm will come to you no more Caylee...

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