Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I do what I want. ☺

Sometimes, I forget to bring my filter with me everywhere I go. I try to be the classy little lady I wish I could be but fuck that. ◄ YOU SEE THAT! Hahaha. Swear words are a nasty little habit of mine but it's nice to let go of a shit, fuck, get the point. And sometimes it is needed! Especially when you forgot to bring your uniform to work, or you lock yourself out of a car, or you slam your finger with the door as you lock yourself out of the car. That's a big motherfuckin ouch. OR when you have a stammering problem like King George the VI....

BUT there are times when you need to watch what you say, especially when you are in the train and you are speaking to your friend or lover on the phone LOUDLY SAYING "How the f*** you try to play me like that b****, you think i'm a stupid h*, you think this mother****** d*** is gonna play me like that!" Sheesh, you kiss your mother like with that mouth? I especially dislike swearing or hearing anyone swear in front of old people. I mean, I know they had their few share of swear words back in the day. "Dognabbit!" "Dang skippy!" or my favorite "You twit!", hahahaha, but its that respect that was instilled in me since I was a little twit and I want to keep it that way. I even think it's horrible to swear in front of kids. Yes, I know that with the tv, radio, and internet (thank you, urban dictionary) they will eventually find out about all these horrific new swear words, which I'm not even gonna post online because they are just so bad. Lol. (Who comes up with these? Does someone really just sit in the couch and think of all the ways they can combine words to make them mean something insulting? Oh people....) Little kids brains are molding every second of their young life, let's teach them something useful and not something that only lasts two seconds.

Anyways, I'm just gonna say to all close to me, I'm sorry for not censoring myself, there are just some times when I need to vent for a second or two in my day....and I think that's healthy. Do it.....IF YOU REALLY NEED TO!

Spread love, not nasty habits...

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