Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This is not a love story....

Oh man, oh man, how do I get involved in the most weirdest, random, funny events....ever?

So here is how the non-love story goes.....

I was starting my lounge shift at 5:00 and I really really really needed to go pee. So I go to the bathroom and well, you know. I'm still in the stall when I hear the door open and someone starts washing their hands. I flush and I open the door. And as I look up from putting my apron back on, I see a guy. A GUY! In the girls bathroom!

He looked at me with the same expression on his face. SHOCKED! (but with a "Fck, I'm in the girls bathroom?!)

I don't know why I'm freaking out over this but I was scared. Lol, even though this guy looked totally harmless, I felt scared and I was left speechless as he repeatedly said "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Sorry!" and here I am, with my mouth wide open, still speechless and my eyes were pretty much the size of the moon. Here comes Katie, the bartender, walking in.....and she stops dead on her feet looking at him and then looking at me and I'm looking at her and I look at him and I still have this expression on my face.


It was the longest twenty seconds of my life. I swear. So he scurries out the door and Katie is still looking at me like "WTF?" And I start laughing and holding on to the wall because I felt like I just lived through the most awkward, weirdest, funniest moment of my life....ok, maybe just this month. But I'm so glad that someone was there to live through it with me.

See, I told you this wasn't a love story.......

P.S. Someone left this as part of my tip, and you bet I'm gonna drink some milk out of this bad boy. My chocolate chip cookies will fit perfectly on the top......

♥Spread love! not STDs.......♥

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