Thursday, July 14, 2011

An obvious fact...

Fact: Bears beats Battlestar Galatica....:) just kidding. 

FACT: I ♥ Duchess.

►She is my favorite non-human living thing (even though she acts better than most humans).
►She will always be my number one (well, she shares a spot with Iovan).
►She makes me happy (except when she decides it's time to decorate my room with the garbage from my garbage can).
►She loves me and no one else (except Iovan, but that's only because he gives her treats).
►She loves me and Iovan (but that biatch will leave you as fast as you can say "doggie treat")
►She makes me proud every time we go for walks because she is so obedient. (even though she embarrasses the crap out of me when she decides to take a dookie in front of someone's lawn, while that someone is outside...starting at me.)
►She was a big part of why I decided to stop eating meat for a while. (every animal reminded me of her, and I just couldn't eat "her")
►She has the most beautiful eyes ever.(And the most beautiful heart, she lets Lucky(our new cat) chew her tail)

Gah. I love her. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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