Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wacky Wednesday...

People like to screw other people over just because they can. But when it's time to actually do something nice for them, they huff and they puff and they want to rip their heads off. Why is it so much harder to be nicer than being meaner? Next time, when someone asks for a favor, do it with no negativity or feeling like you are being forced. Do it with love and something great will happen. If not now, then later.

P.S. People need to stop wasting their times on "rumors". Please, it makes me sick to think that people actually act like a bunch of snakes slithering lies and negativity. Focus on your own life.

Also, let's show some respect to everyone, no matter what color, age, religion anyone is. Yesterday I was actually called a "stupid bitch" by a hobo. Why must I be involved in such ludicrous events? So yesterday when I was working, I was at front desk when I see this older man coming in dressed up...well, like a hobo. And if his clothes didn't give it away, his smell did. He comes barging in and is walking towards the bathroom when I stopped him and said it was for customers only. I can't let anyone in the bathroom besides customers, especially not hobos. (They've gone in to steal toilet paper, inject themselves with drugs, or shit on the floor. This has all happened at work) He screams out "I'm diabetic! You want me to piss all over myself?! Rude bitch" I stopped as soon as he said he was diabetic and because I really hate confrontations but I was really upset at how he came in with no respect at all. He could've told me nicely and I would have let him. To tell you the truth, I dislike telling people they can't use the bathroom just because they are not customers. I know that there has been a couple of times where I've had to go to the bathroom so bad and I couldn't find any public bathroom close to me. It's the worst feeling. Anyways, the guy comes out and I don't acknowledge him but I see him stop in the front of the revolving doors and I try my hardest not to look up into his eyes but I do because he pretty much stood there for five seconds. I look up and he says "There is something wrong with you." and shakes his head.


First of all, there was nothing wrong with me because I was doing what I was being told to do or else I would have also be out of a job and be roaming the streets with this hobo. Second of all, how dare you come in, asking to scratch that, not asking at all to use the bathroom. I said, and I was shaking when I said this because I hate confrontations, I said "Excuse me, but don't come in here being disrespectful to me-" and he screamed out "I don't have to respect you" he was showing me some kind of ID "I took a bullet for this country. I don't have to respect you, you stupid bitch" WHAT?! WHAT?!!!!! Just because he fought in a war, that means that I automatically don't mean much as a human being? What if I had saved a whole family from a burning house and even saved their dog? I could be a fucking hero too! Ugh. I wanted this man to just go away. So I just said "don't come back here again, sir" and as he was walking away I hear "Fuck you."

I was furious. I was upset. I was shaking. I don't hate the man. He obviously has made some decisions that have led him to this life and maybe it wasn't even him. Maybe he just had bad luck and his life might have just crumbled. But I was really upset at how mean he was. Maybe I was a bitch for not letting him go in the bathroom but I was only doing my job you know. I hope that man can find a bit of comfort wherever he is tonight, and I hope I learned from this lesson.....I'm still trying to figure out what it is. Maybe, be nicer to hobos? But I am, because every time I pass them, I send a little prayer to God or even give them a dollar or two. Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

I'm going to be much more nicer to hobos.

Spread love and respect, not hobo rants.

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