Monday, July 25, 2011


Gah, so I made a mistake today and I truly regret it. I got upset because of some silly little thing and now that I actually took a step back I realized it was VERY VERY silly. I was upset because it seemed like no one really wanted to  celebrate my birthday with me. Everyone had plans to attend other birthday parties or other people just didn't care. I was mad because they always want me to attend to their fiestas but when it's the other way around they completely blow me off.

It's take take take take take and take some more but no one wants to give.

But silly me, I realized....who the fudge cares? I already have the one truly important person that wanted to spend it with me and that's all that matters. How could I be so blind. He is all I need. And I'm not mad at people. They obviously have other people up high on their priority list and I seemed to have not even made the list. Lol. Tis ok. Besides, nowadays it's all about who throws the bigger parties, who gets drunks the most, who makes a fool of themselves and take pictures of it so they can be posted on Facebook.

For me, it will be another year God has blessed me with. Another year that I got to spend with the people that matter the most. Another year with more lessons learned.

Shiznit! I am going to be 24! 

Can't wait for Saturday. I will embrace it with open arms.

P.S. My sister and I were on the train on our way home and all of a sudden I kissed her on the cheek. It was something I had to do because my heart told me so. I love her very much.

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