Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sorry, my dog ate my Sunday List.....

So many things that I loved this week, but I forgot one very important thing to love this week....and that was me. I forgot to love me. I forgot to that I'm the most important person to love first and that hurt me. I cannot forget to do that anymore. I am beautiful, I am smart, I am loving, I am strong, I am me. I won't forget to make sure that I love myself first before I love anyone and anything else. You know how people say that when two people are in trouble, in order to save the other person, you need to save yourself first. I'm saving myself first, and then I'll be back to saving you....

1. I love mail. I just got my Florence and The Machine ticket. June 18th, I can't wait for you to be here. :) 

2. I love making new friends. Iris and Gabi are fun bunch! 

3. I love the mini photo shoot my sister agreed to do. I needed to laugh.

4. Shoes from H&M for only $14.95. Haha. I love them.

5. I'm still a vegetarian and I love it. 

6. Found a new artist that I love to hear to when I wake up. She makes me want to paint, run, dance, write poetry. Her music is amazing.

7. I've discovered that I truly love watching basketball games. Never a dull moment there...
::ahem:: baseball ::ahem::

8. I love hearing really good news, a friend of mine is pregnant with TWINS! :) 

9. Watched Armageddon again last night....cried myself into a big puddle. 

10. Julia's text. Sent it at the right time on the right day.

I love this world, curve balls and all, but world, you are gonna have to wait your turn because loving me is my first concern.

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