Friday, March 25, 2011


Here I am, mucous and all, tissues in the pockets of my sweaters, jeans, and jacket. Just took NyQuil and I'm awaiting its magic but for now I'm up and "surfing the web". What a day! Certainly wish I could have called off work but I guess you can call me a trooper! (Even though I wasn't that much of help. Blah, I tried!) So my boyfriend has once again stepped up to the plate and fixed me dinner and asked "What's wrong baby?" every time he turned to see me and my death face. Poor guy, I'm sure he doesn't like seeing me like that just like I don't like seeing him sick either. I love him. What a wonderful guy. <3

So I'm still trying to learn French! Hehe. I must say, I'm pretty much doing the basic stuff till I can afford a better way to learn a new language. So far I know "Si'l vu plaît" which means "please" and I know "bonne journeè!" which means "have a nice day!" and so on. I'm so happy. :) I want to learn more! Well, it seems as though the NyQuil worked its magic pretty fast...fe e ling drr r ows y. 

You are beautiful!

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