Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Turn the dial up....

On this day, I found out about an engagement, and I was overcome with emotion. When 2 people are going to join their lives for 1 big adventure, it fills me with happiness. It is amazing that there are bajillions of people in this world and you find a person you love so much to that you take a big risk to include this person on your journey to happiness. It is like you are standing on top of the highest diving platform and there is nothing but a small 4x4 square pool in the bottom waiting for you. And everyone thinks that you are not going to make it, and everyone warns you that you are committing suicide but you trust...Trust...that you are going to make it in and so you dive. You dive into this little pool. and you find that as you are flying down the pool gets bigger and bigger and you know that you are not going to miss and that you decided right.

That is a big risk but its one that you must take because life without risks means that you will never get your heartbroken so you will never know how it is to feel to love and miss and need someone or something.

Life without risks means you will never fall down so you will never know how good it feels to get back up.

Life without risks means you will never cry, so you will never know how good it feels to wipe those tears and smile.

Life is one big risk and you need to jump.  

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