Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Early in the morning...

I saw an angel in the train. Here's the story:

On my way to work, I stepped in the train and immediately saw that people were tripping in the middle section. I turned to see someone laying on the seats like it was their bed and I thought to myself "hobo". So I sat two seats away from the hobo and that's when I got a closer look. The "hobo" was a kid. He looked like he was 13 years old.

13 years old....sleeping in the train.

This lady that was sitting right behind him turned to a guy and asked "Is he breathing?" She had this look on her face, which I did not recognize until later on. She looked scared and honestly worried.  I never see that in people's faces when they see a hobo. But a 13 year old homeless kid is a different story. I got scared too because I couldn't really see any movement and I couldn't tell if he was or wasn't breathing. So we got to the next stop she ran out of the doors as soon as they opened and she ran all the way to the front to get to the conductor. (We were the last car of the train) The conductor came all the way to the train car and checked on the boy. I think we all held our breath because I think we were all scared that he might not be breathing. He shook the boy and he woke up. The kid sat up straight and the conductor went back to the first car. Towards my stop I saw the same lady in the beginning come up to the kid, who had gone back to sleep, and shook him hard. I thought she was going to scream at him but what she did next left me with my eyes wide open.

She took out something from her pocket and I saw that it was a business card. She pulled him about five inches from her face and said "If you need anything, if you are in desperate need of food, if you need a place to stay, call me......" It was my stop and the stupid train robot voice came back on so I couldn't understand what else she was saying but along with the card she gave him money. She left the train and I was in a state of shock. I wanted to run up to her and say "That was amazing. You are wonderful. God bless you. We need more people like you in this world." I would have said a million things, but I was left stuck in a daze. God bless that woman and her beautiful soul.

Today, I saw an angel and my morning couldn't have started out more perfect.


  1. I love when humans are human. It is good that compassion still exists out there! Nice story

  2. Isn't it awesome Blair?! I mean, I love that I got to see that!!
