Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Testing, testing, 1-2-3?

Today, I failed. Big TIME! Let me begin by saying that I was completely negative this morning and my day was in trouble before it even began.

I had a bad dream, and it made me upset.

Woke up with my rubber bands from my braces hurting, and I was annoyed.

Was too sleepy because I went to sleep late last night, and I was pissed to go to work.

Went to work and the sun was nowhere in sight, and I wanted to go home before I even stepped inside work.

Man, I was a big cup of negative juice and I couldn't shake it off and it was completely my fault! While I was at work I didn't even want to do anything and I kept thinking "I want to go home!" Well, work went completely down the sh*t hole because I got in trouble for silly mistakes that I shouldn't be doing in the beginning, but I blame it all on my negative energy. It doesn't end there, so I got out later than usual and that had caused my food that I had ordered an hour before I got out to get cold......and on top of that I see someone take a piece of my food from the service window! BLAH! I was so hungry and at that point I almost hurt myself but wanting to just throw the food away and going to get a cheeseburger!! (Thankfully I stopped myself! Phew!) Took my food, shoved it down, tried so hard to keep a smile in my face as I said "bye" to everyone and I almost flew out that door. Came home, took a nap...that was like FOUR hours! Well, I woke up, which took me like half an hour to do because I felt my energy was completely drained. I figured that its my new vegetarian diet, which currently is not going so well. I'm not consuming a lot of greens, fruits or nuts and that is no bueno. In other words, I'm not the healthiest vegetarian at the moment and I almost thought for a /SPLIT/ second of giving up. I texted my boyfriend about my weak energy and he sent me this:

Boyfren Text: Well you can eat a little of meat so it's not completely out [of] your diet. We can raise chickens if you want.
This was me 2 seconds from reading that text....

I love how he just says things that make my smile so CHEESY! GAH! (Of course, I wouldn't think of murdering some chicken, maybe just steal their eggs, hehehe)

 So I ate something small, got a little bit of energy, hugged my little puppy until she pushed me away, sat down the computer to read this article my friend had posted on facebook and I felt this "everything is going to be alright" feeling. I love this article and I think that everyone should take some time to read it. I'm down with the Law of Attraction. Negativity GO AWAY! That's the one thing I dislike greatly! Click here for the article!

Today was a test and I failed, learned my lesson, and hopefully I never do it again.

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