Monday, March 21, 2011

Second day of Spring! Hallelujah!

Today is March 21, 2011, it is the second day of spring and I couldn't be more excited! It was absolutely gorgeous out today and I loved that I got to take my little one out today for a walk in the forest preserve that is 7 blocks away!!! My little pit/boxer was so happy to be out in the fresh air, as was I. This winter has gone on for TOO long! And we were going INSANE!

Can't wait for more of our little walks. Its just her and I and the world is behind us for a good hour. :) 

While walking with the two loves of my life, we saw a little growth spurt from the ground. Nature sure does work fast! Love it <3
New beginnings every day and I'love that it's green on my side of the bridge. You just gotta look for it.  ;)

Think Positively Positive!

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