Sunday, March 20, 2011


This is my "I Love You, Sunday List"....Hahahaha, I needed to make that name shorter so an acronym it is! :) This week has been up and down but mostly up, because that is what I'm aiming for. I want to reach the skies.

Via Jan Von Holleben

1. So I'm a dreamer, big time. There is nothing wrong with that, though. I mean, if you didn't dream then howwill you ever find out what you want to achieve in life or reach for? Lately, I've been dreaming about my future home with my future husband and the thing I want the most from my future home would be a little porch with beauty surrounding it. I know it might not be that important but it's important to make your soul happy.

2. Currently I'm obsessing over baby animals! They are just one of the cutest and most precious living things in this world. On one of my latest posts I posted up some pics and I fell in love. <3

Baby Polar Bear

Baby Penguins

Baby Sea Lion Cub

Baby Giraffe

Baby Monkey

Happy little baby Elephant

Baby Red Panda Bear, (yeah, its real!) <3

3. I love these pants. When I was little I was always hoping to catch someone fart in the winter to see if you could see it like you can see your breath in the cold....hahaha.
Via here

4. This letter is amazing and hilarious!
click on the picture if you want to see it bigger

5. March Madness is here and my boyfriend, who is currently looking over his bracket while having a game on the T.V. right now, is actually going mad. And I love the little moments of intense passion he has while watching them. (I've also let myself get wrapped up in these games, letting out a few curse words. Oops.)

6. My sisters fashion sense. Very Audrey Hepburnish. :)

7. Love Lesa, :). She is like my big sister and she honestly has really really good advice.

8. I love the interactions us, human beings, make with animals from the "wild".
Via here

9. As soon as I went over my bf's house, I washed the dishes that were stacked up pretty high from this whole weekend. My boyfriend's house consists of three guys and one woman (so now you know why). I decided to help out my boyfriend's mom out by washing them all without even thinking about it twice. I love myself for that.

10. So today marks my one month of being a vegetarian....I'm loving my new will power. <3 I'm awesome.

I hope everyone had an amazing week. And another thing, please don't forget about the people from Japan. Text "REDCROSS" to 90999 to donate ten dollars! They are very needed over there right now!

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