Thursday, March 3, 2011

C'est La Vie

Hmm, could have been better.

It was just a series of unfortunate events. Some worse than others and I'm not proud to say but I gave in to them. I let it get it to me. I let it change my mood. Not horribly but I definitely felt a little bit of struggle to keep my smile on my face.


But life is like that. Life has its sweet moments and its bad moments. But without its bad moments we can't appreciate the good ones. Without the bad moments, we don't work hard for the good ones. Without the bad moments, we don't grow to be better.

I'm just grateful that I did not take all of my misfortune onto someone else. That would just be irresponsible and I'm not here to make someone's day just as bad as mine. I hope that everyone....EVERYONE...had a good day and if you didn't just remember..the sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be sun.

Now, if you will excuse me, I'm gonna go shake it all off by dancing. Gonna go sweat it out!

Couldn't have found a better picture.

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