People.... some people try to bring you down, they try to take away your happiness because they are too "broken" and want to ruin your life just because they don't have the same smile you have. They see you smile and they think that you need to frown just like everyone else who is too blind to see the light in their life. They want to break you too and I say no! I say HELL NO! I tell them...
"Hey, girl with one eye,
Get your filthy fingers out of my pie!
I said hey, girl with one eye,
I'll cut your little heart out 'cause you made me cry."
No one can take what you work so hard to get. Don't let their filthy fingers get to your pie.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I'm gonna have a third home...:)
Today, I got sad news from someone, well, they were sad to me. But how could they be sad when these news are making them be happier? So I thought to myself, don't be sad, this person is happy and you want nothing but this person's happiness. I'm so glad that this person is listening to their heart.
Your heart is so important. Listen to it because God is inside it doing all the talking. <3
Have you taken the time to listen to your heart lately?
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Another week has passed in this beautiful life of mine and I'm ever so grateful to be alive today writing about my favorite people and things that I love. God has been with me in every step of the way and I'm so happy that I know that even if I have everyone mad at me, God will never stop loving me and he will never leave me alone.
4. I love books when I was little but I was always fascinated when they had pictures in it. Yes, I preferred it when books had more pictures than words...and I still do. I'm in love with photography. Even the word photography is beautiful. Here are some of the pictures that inspire me to want to take up photography as a hobby.
Le bonsoir tout le monde! (Goodnight everyone!)
1. Starting off this list is going to be my boyfriend who has yet again taken care of me while having a cold (a very annoying cold). I've awarded him with a lifetime of kisses. :)
2. I find some gospel music very uplifting and beautiful, I guess that is why I love Florence so much. Her music is very much like gospel. Listen to it!
3. This picture had me smiling like a dummy!
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Jim and Pam forever. <3 |
4. I love books when I was little but I was always fascinated when they had pictures in it. Yes, I preferred it when books had more pictures than words...and I still do. I'm in love with photography. Even the word photography is beautiful. Here are some of the pictures that inspire me to want to take up photography as a hobby.
This guy took a picture of famous landmarks in the reflection of a bubble. Amazing.
Click on them to see them larger!
Click on them to see them larger!
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Love |
5. I love my sisters this week, and they need to understand that whatever I do or say to them is because I sincerely care for them.
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<3 Diana, Anahi, Belen <3 |
6. So as some of you may know, I'm a server and I have plenty of stories to tell you about customers but there is one that seems to be recurring every time. I always find myself making jokes and I'm the only one laughing. It is always awkward but I think those moments are hilarious. Laugh at yourselves people. Its a great way to get through life!
7. This Saturday I had an appointment with an oral surgeon. I will be getting all of my wisdom teeth extracted and I need to be put under heavy sedation. Every thing that surgeon said was pretty scary but I'm sure it needed to be said for legal purposes. I've never been heavily sedated but I saw this video and I was hoping I don't end up like this poor guy! Lol. Love this video.
8. I haven't been doing the vegetarian lifestyle right, so I went out to get something to help me out for the moment. I went to go buy vitamins. I really love myself, I don't want to hurt my body.
9. Animal Planets "Planet Earth" series. It's amazing, wonderful, insanely intriguing, oh and did I say amazing?
10. I'm sure everyone is sick of hearing about Charlie Sheen but his catchphrase is very therefore I love it. And if you don't know what it is it goes something like this
Le bonsoir tout le monde! (Goodnight everyone!)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Here I am, mucous and all, tissues in the pockets of my sweaters, jeans, and jacket. Just took NyQuil and I'm awaiting its magic but for now I'm up and "surfing the web". What a day! Certainly wish I could have called off work but I guess you can call me a trooper! (Even though I wasn't that much of help. Blah, I tried!) So my boyfriend has once again stepped up to the plate and fixed me dinner and asked "What's wrong baby?" every time he turned to see me and my death face. Poor guy, I'm sure he doesn't like seeing me like that just like I don't like seeing him sick either. I love him. What a wonderful guy. <3
So I'm still trying to learn French! Hehe. I must say, I'm pretty much doing the basic stuff till I can afford a better way to learn a new language. So far I know "Si'l vu plaît" which means "please" and I know "bonne journeè!" which means "have a nice day!" and so on. I'm so happy. :) I want to learn more! Well, it seems as though the NyQuil worked its magic pretty fast...fe e ling drr r ows y.
You are beautiful!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Something new...
Part of living is to learn new things, to push yourself and to be the best you can be. So I'm gonna start learning a French phrase every day. Can't really afford Rossetta Stone so I'm going to do it the old fashion HAHA! Well, actually I found this on Wikipedia.
So my phrase of the day is "Bonne journèe!" which means "Have a nice day!" ...that's just perfect for the first phrase. :)
I will use that first thing tomorrow morning!
So my phrase of the day is "Bonne journèe!" which means "Have a nice day!" ...that's just perfect for the first phrase. :)
I will use that first thing tomorrow morning!
Spring Break!
Today was the second day of my spring break! Wooooo! Haha. So instead of asking more time at work, which I should have, I decided that I needed this "off" time. So far its blissful! Although, the weather could be a lot better, I think it's better than having snow, which I hear is what we are going to have Friday and Saturday! BLAH! Oh well. We can't control mother nature, so it is what it is. I hope this time people will appreciate summer a lot more this year since this winter has extended its stay!
Today, was a lot of Fear Vs Knowledge and I let fear win, for a good hour. Darn!
I was watching this extraordinary documentary called "The Beautiful Truth" and I got to say, it's pretty damn good! So informative! It was like a soup full of knowledge and I'm just eating it and eating it up! There was a part though that completely scared the bejezuz out of me. It was about the material they use in fillings and I currently have three. They say they have mercury in them and can cause chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases, birth defects and so on...well, too make a long story short, I stopped the movie, went on the internet in the fury, and kept screaming at my mom "I'm going to DIE! MOM! YOU KILLED ME BC YOU SENT ME TO A STUPID DENTIST! I'M GOING TO DIE!"
....(hahahaha, I'm bit of a drama queen.) But I did a bit of research and it seems like all of these mercury business was back in the 1970's, I still want to do some more research just to be safe, but I can definitely say I've chilled out.
PHEW! (P.S. Sorry to everyone I've texted during my temporary moment of a meltdown.)
I've yet to finish the documentary but so far I love it! Click for the link here!
After a while, my dad came from work and he sat down to watch this documentary (as you can see, my family and I are a bunch of documentary nerds) Its called "America Tsunami: Are we next?" My dad called me over and said "Hey, I want you to watch this." I got to say, its pretty scary stuff but as we were watching it, he looked over and said "You know, your sister Belen didn't want to see this because she says she gets scared and doesn't want to know about anything bad but I told her, 'this is not to scare people, its to educate them.' ...Them some powerful words dad and he is so right. I love my papa, he is so wise. :)
So people of earth! Knowledge beats Fear. It should...every damn TIME!
Today, was a lot of Fear Vs Knowledge and I let fear win, for a good hour. Darn!
I was watching this extraordinary documentary called "The Beautiful Truth" and I got to say, it's pretty damn good! So informative! It was like a soup full of knowledge and I'm just eating it and eating it up! There was a part though that completely scared the bejezuz out of me. It was about the material they use in fillings and I currently have three. They say they have mercury in them and can cause chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases, birth defects and so on...well, too make a long story short, I stopped the movie, went on the internet in the fury, and kept screaming at my mom "I'm going to DIE! MOM! YOU KILLED ME BC YOU SENT ME TO A STUPID DENTIST! I'M GOING TO DIE!"
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My American Psycho moment. |
....(hahahaha, I'm bit of a drama queen.) But I did a bit of research and it seems like all of these mercury business was back in the 1970's, I still want to do some more research just to be safe, but I can definitely say I've chilled out.
PHEW! (P.S. Sorry to everyone I've texted during my temporary moment of a meltdown.)
I've yet to finish the documentary but so far I love it! Click for the link here!
After a while, my dad came from work and he sat down to watch this documentary (as you can see, my family and I are a bunch of documentary nerds) Its called "America Tsunami: Are we next?" My dad called me over and said "Hey, I want you to watch this." I got to say, its pretty scary stuff but as we were watching it, he looked over and said "You know, your sister Belen didn't want to see this because she says she gets scared and doesn't want to know about anything bad but I told her, 'this is not to scare people, its to educate them.' ...Them some powerful words dad and he is so right. I love my papa, he is so wise. :)
So people of earth! Knowledge beats Fear. It should...every damn TIME!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Testing, testing, 1-2-3?
Today, I failed. Big TIME! Let me begin by saying that I was completely negative this morning and my day was in trouble before it even began.
I had a bad dream, and it made me upset.
Woke up with my rubber bands from my braces hurting, and I was annoyed.
Was too sleepy because I went to sleep late last night, and I was pissed to go to work.
Went to work and the sun was nowhere in sight, and I wanted to go home before I even stepped inside work.
Man, I was a big cup of negative juice and I couldn't shake it off and it was completely my fault! While I was at work I didn't even want to do anything and I kept thinking "I want to go home!" Well, work went completely down the sh*t hole because I got in trouble for silly mistakes that I shouldn't be doing in the beginning, but I blame it all on my negative energy. It doesn't end there, so I got out later than usual and that had caused my food that I had ordered an hour before I got out to get cold......and on top of that I see someone take a piece of my food from the service window! BLAH! I was so hungry and at that point I almost hurt myself but wanting to just throw the food away and going to get a cheeseburger!! (Thankfully I stopped myself! Phew!) Took my food, shoved it down, tried so hard to keep a smile in my face as I said "bye" to everyone and I almost flew out that door. Came home, took a nap...that was like FOUR hours! Well, I woke up, which took me like half an hour to do because I felt my energy was completely drained. I figured that its my new vegetarian diet, which currently is not going so well. I'm not consuming a lot of greens, fruits or nuts and that is no bueno. In other words, I'm not the healthiest vegetarian at the moment and I almost thought for a /SPLIT/ second of giving up. I texted my boyfriend about my weak energy and he sent me this:
I had a bad dream, and it made me upset.
Woke up with my rubber bands from my braces hurting, and I was annoyed.
Was too sleepy because I went to sleep late last night, and I was pissed to go to work.
Went to work and the sun was nowhere in sight, and I wanted to go home before I even stepped inside work.
Man, I was a big cup of negative juice and I couldn't shake it off and it was completely my fault! While I was at work I didn't even want to do anything and I kept thinking "I want to go home!" Well, work went completely down the sh*t hole because I got in trouble for silly mistakes that I shouldn't be doing in the beginning, but I blame it all on my negative energy. It doesn't end there, so I got out later than usual and that had caused my food that I had ordered an hour before I got out to get cold......and on top of that I see someone take a piece of my food from the service window! BLAH! I was so hungry and at that point I almost hurt myself but wanting to just throw the food away and going to get a cheeseburger!! (Thankfully I stopped myself! Phew!) Took my food, shoved it down, tried so hard to keep a smile in my face as I said "bye" to everyone and I almost flew out that door. Came home, took a nap...that was like FOUR hours! Well, I woke up, which took me like half an hour to do because I felt my energy was completely drained. I figured that its my new vegetarian diet, which currently is not going so well. I'm not consuming a lot of greens, fruits or nuts and that is no bueno. In other words, I'm not the healthiest vegetarian at the moment and I almost thought for a /SPLIT/ second of giving up. I texted my boyfriend about my weak energy and he sent me this:
Boyfren Text: Well you can eat a little of meat so it's not completely out [of] your diet. We can raise chickens if you want.This was me 2 seconds from reading that text....
I love how he just says things that make my smile so CHEESY! GAH! (Of course, I wouldn't think of murdering some chicken, maybe just steal their eggs, hehehe)
So I ate something small, got a little bit of energy, hugged my little puppy until she pushed me away, sat down the computer to read this article my friend had posted on facebook and I felt this "everything is going to be alright" feeling. I love this article and I think that everyone should take some time to read it. I'm down with the Law of Attraction. Negativity GO AWAY! That's the one thing I dislike greatly! Click here for the article!
Today was a test and I failed, learned my lesson, and hopefully I never do it again.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Second day of Spring! Hallelujah!
Today is March 21, 2011, it is the second day of spring and I couldn't be more excited! It was absolutely gorgeous out today and I loved that I got to take my little one out today for a walk in the forest preserve that is 7 blocks away!!! My little pit/boxer was so happy to be out in the fresh air, as was I. This winter has gone on for TOO long! And we were going INSANE!
Can't wait for more of our little walks. Its just her and I and the world is behind us for a good hour. :)
While walking with the two loves of my life, we saw a little growth spurt from the ground. Nature sure does work fast! Love it <3
New beginnings every day and I'love that it's green on my side of the bridge. You just gotta look for it. ;)
Think Positively Positive!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
This is my "I Love You, Sunday List"....Hahahaha, I needed to make that name shorter so an acronym it is! :) This week has been up and down but mostly up, because that is what I'm aiming for. I want to reach the skies.
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Via Jan Von Holleben |
1. So I'm a dreamer, big time. There is nothing wrong with that, though. I mean, if you didn't dream then howwill you ever find out what you want to achieve in life or reach for? Lately, I've been dreaming about my future home with my future husband and the thing I want the most from my future home would be a little porch with beauty surrounding it. I know it might not be that important but it's important to make your soul happy.
2. Currently I'm obsessing over baby animals! They are just one of the cutest and most precious living things in this world. On one of my latest posts I posted up some pics and I fell in love. <3
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Baby Polar Bear |
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Baby Penguins |
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Baby Sea Lion Cub |
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Baby Giraffe |
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Baby Monkey |
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Happy little baby Elephant |
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Baby Red Panda Bear, (yeah, its real!) <3 |
3. I love these pants. When I was little I was always hoping to catch someone fart in the winter to see if you could see it like you can see your breath in the cold....hahaha.
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Via here |
4. This letter is amazing and hilarious!
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click on the picture if you want to see it bigger |
5. March Madness is here and my boyfriend, who is currently looking over his bracket while having a game on the T.V. right now, is actually going mad. And I love the little moments of intense passion he has while watching them. (I've also let myself get wrapped up in these games, letting out a few curse words. Oops.)

6. My sisters fashion sense. Very Audrey Hepburnish. :)
7. Love Lesa, :). She is like my big sister and she honestly has really really good advice.
8. I love the interactions us, human beings, make with animals from the "wild".
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Via here |
9. As soon as I went over my bf's house, I washed the dishes that were stacked up pretty high from this whole weekend. My boyfriend's house consists of three guys and one woman (so now you know why). I decided to help out my boyfriend's mom out by washing them all without even thinking about it twice. I love myself for that.
10. So today marks my one month of being a vegetarian....I'm loving my new will power. <3 I'm awesome.
I hope everyone had an amazing week. And another thing, please don't forget about the people from Japan. Text "REDCROSS" to 90999 to donate ten dollars! They are very needed over there right now!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Friends don't let friends feel guilty. Never. So learn that and tattoo it in your brain because making someone feel guilty is probably the worst thing you can do.
You want to know what the meaning of friend is to me?
Friend- Always a person to make you smile when you are feeling the lowest of the low. A person to listen to you when you need to vent about the all the wrongs in your life. A person who reassures you that you are the most amazing person in the world. Someone who gives you love no matter what you say to them. Someone who never lets you feel guilty for whatever decision you make.
A friend is your second family. Don't ever make them feel bad. Ever.
You want to know what the meaning of friend is to me?
Friend- Always a person to make you smile when you are feeling the lowest of the low. A person to listen to you when you need to vent about the all the wrongs in your life. A person who reassures you that you are the most amazing person in the world. Someone who gives you love no matter what you say to them. Someone who never lets you feel guilty for whatever decision you make.
A friend is your second family. Don't ever make them feel bad. Ever.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
What do you do?
What do you do when you see someone close to you have such a difficult time and you really can't help them?
What do you do when you see someone close to you lose their smile because a frown has taken it away?
I'm trying so hard to figure out what I can do or say to help. I just wish I wouldn't see stress in this person's eyes because this person looks so much better when they smile. I stressed myself all day trying to figure out what I could do and I've realized now what I can do. I'm gonna pray that this person finds the right path that will lead to happiness and love. Praying never fails. I hope you find your path my dear friend, life's too short to not see you happy.
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That's me and Duchess. :) |
Before I leave, I just want to say that my sister Anahi is an angel and I couldn't be happier to have her as a sister. She's been of great help to my parents in this tough economic situation we are all dealing with and I couldn't be more proud of her. Although, she has picked up quite a nasty habit. Smoking. BLECH! Oh well, she's an angel that smokes....kinda gives her a bad ass edge. Haha! Isn't that an oxymoron? A bad ass angel. Haha!
You are Beautiful!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
A Beautiful Day...
Deserves to be loved so much. A beautiful day like this deserves to be recognized. Be happy you are alive, be happy that you are healthy, be happy that you have people that Love you. Be happy that the sun is out! Be happy that you are living today!
Be Happy. DAMN IT! :)
Please turn that frown upside down. You look much more beautiful when you smile!
If they can do it, we can too! :)
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He almost has it!!! |
Monday, March 14, 2011
Mo money!
I need mo money! Bc I got mo problems! hahaha....
Why must my life be so controlled by money? I wish it wasn't so. So I must get my wisdom teeth removed ....all of them and it seems like it's going to be about $1800....yikes. It almost seems like there is always something lurking behind the bushes whenever I've saved up a little money so then it come out and spook me and take mah money! Lol. Guess, I got to put my working shoes on and work work work. Nothing is too hard, there is always a solution. I've been blessed with health, family, friends, and my love today, and that is always a good thing. :)
Why must my life be so controlled by money? I wish it wasn't so. So I must get my wisdom teeth removed ....all of them and it seems like it's going to be about $1800....yikes. It almost seems like there is always something lurking behind the bushes whenever I've saved up a little money so then it come out and spook me and take mah money! Lol. Guess, I got to put my working shoes on and work work work. Nothing is too hard, there is always a solution. I've been blessed with health, family, friends, and my love today, and that is always a good thing. :)
Don't ever get down, because it's that much harder to go up.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Ah! It's Sunday already?!
I feel like this whole week has gone by faster than any other week. I guess that's what happens when you are happy for being alive. :) TOP TEN SUNDAY THINGS/PEOPLE I LOVE LIST (I need to find a shorter title! hahaha) here it comes!!!!!!!!!
So before I say goodbye and I'd like to say that the quake and tsunami that hit Japan was horrible, and I think that no one should deserve to go through something like that but unfortunately we can't control nature and it will strike at any time. The only thing we can do is unite, and help those in need. What we can do is love and pray for those who are broken. We need to be strong for those who are weak. There is no way I could or anybody for that matter leave everything and go to Japan but there are others way to help and that is to send money so they get the necessary supplies for those who are in need. (Text REDCROSS to 90999 and donate $10!!!) We need to stand together in times like these because if we don't then who will? God put us here to work together. So what are we waiting for?
1. So my beautiful twin sisters are starting their first real job! :) Hostessing, no less. Hahaha! All of us Garcia girls are hostesses! How funny. :) I love that they are taking it seriously. You should see them, they are sooo nervous and I wish I was there to help them out but you can't hold their hands 24/7. They need to fly by themselves. I hope they get to fly high!
2. My dad and I are closer than we were before in the past five years. I love him, even though his hard-headed mexican old-fashioned ways are a bit annoying, I love him. He's my papa. :)
3. I love ice cream....whoever doesn't, needs a serious dose of some. They probably have never tasted it!
4. So I just watched "It's Kind of a Funny Story" and the message was beautiful. It ended in a positive way. Cool points for that! (and look! He is eating ice cream!)
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See, they know the secret! :) |
5. I love working out! Ok, so it really isn't technically "working out" but I've been dancing with my new Wii game "Just Dance 2" and it is so much fun that IT IS A WORK OUT! Plus, it's a stress reliever. :)
6. Chipotle, you are one of my favorite fast-food restaurants, thank you for being vegetarian friendly. Hehehe
7. So I had forgotten to post this but my good friend gave me a little present from her road trip and I'm so happy she thinks of me! Besides, this present was way cool. It's called an Agate stone <3
8. So I met up with my good friend Marialuisa this Monday for a little bit of iced white chocolate mocha (first time I've ever had it, and probably the last time! Hahaha. Made me too jittery!) and I loved it. Love a little late night girl talk!
9. Went to the dentist Saturday morning and took a little train ride with the boyfriend. I love little adventures like that with him. :)))
10. Just started running this week, ok well, I only ran one day out of this whole week, but it was magical and the soreness I felt the day after was awesome!
So before I say goodbye and I'd like to say that the quake and tsunami that hit Japan was horrible, and I think that no one should deserve to go through something like that but unfortunately we can't control nature and it will strike at any time. The only thing we can do is unite, and help those in need. What we can do is love and pray for those who are broken. We need to be strong for those who are weak. There is no way I could or anybody for that matter leave everything and go to Japan but there are others way to help and that is to send money so they get the necessary supplies for those who are in need. (Text REDCROSS to 90999 and donate $10!!!) We need to stand together in times like these because if we don't then who will? God put us here to work together. So what are we waiting for?
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