Saturday, January 15, 2011


I love waking up every morning. I take it as a sign that God gave me the OK to love someone or something today....or EVERYONE. <3

If you don't believe in love, love will always be around the corner, just in case you change your mind. If you don't believe in happiness, happiness will always be behind that door, waiting you for to open it up. If you don't believe in peace, peace will always be in the box tucked in the corner of your closet, hoping to be opened up. Love, happiness, and peace is always near you, you don't have to look for them too hard.

Good Deed Day 5: Gave my baby sister money because I heard she was going downtown with barely any money. She doesn't have a job yet, but I know she will soon. I hope she has fun with her friends today. :)

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