Saturday, January 22, 2011

Time to reflect...

So it is the weekend! 

::Pressing play for "Good Vibrations- Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch"::

::Doing Happy Dance:: Doing Happy Dance:: Doing Happy Dance:: Doing Happy Dance:: Doing Happy Dance::
Time to recollect myself from a hectic week of school and work. I love waking up on Saturday mornings and knowing that I have time to be with my puppy. The little nugget that never seems to want to ever leave my side. I love that affection that this little creature gives me without being asked. <3

So, you all know how not too long I cleaned my room to get some clean energy in there. Well, I came upon a box my boyfriend and I have of our memories. I love reminiscing about the good stuff, who doesn't? So I was reading the notes that we gave each other in high school. As I was reading all of his, I was surprised that I never...ever....paid attention to how many times he said "you are beautiful" and "I love you so much." What I do remember from those times is that I always accused him of him being unfaithful and how I thought he would cheat on me because I wasn't good enough for him. Every FREAKING note he said that I was BEAUTIFUL! UGH! I can't believe I was so blind! I'm so mad at myself, because I've never believed him and I never appreciated that. I pushed him away so many times, too many times to the point that he almost never says those wonderful words to me again. He probably thinks he is just wasting his breath. Don't get me wrong, he still treats me like a princess but it isn't the same as like it was in the beginning. I'm thinking since we aren't in high school anymore and we are grown ups, he can't act all mushy anymore?....hehehe.


Now every time he says that I'm beautiful or "I love you", I'm going to press the record button in my brain and save it so that I never forget.

Like my amazing friend said "Don't pull the plant's(love) leaves, and don't ignore it! Water the plant! Water the plant!" Love her and her metaphors.

Hope you all have a WONDERFUL day!

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