Sunday, January 30, 2011


So, as you all know, I'm new to this whole blogging scene. :) I gotta tell you, I love it. I love writing things that come from my heart. I love reading inspiring blogs. I never knew there were so many positive people out there and I'm in awe. I came across this one blog called A Beautiful Mess and I'm head over heels for it. The blogger is an amazing and talented person. She is super positive and I love her creativity. She has this little weekly post on Sunday about 10 things that she loves and I think that was so cool that I decided to do it also. So here it goes...

1.I love my family. Together we are stronger than a 20 ton wall of steel. We are a bunch of fruit loops in a bowl of cereal, different color but same shape to let everyone know we are still in the same group.

2. Music. I love how certain songs from different genres can produce so many emotions and feelings out of me. Love, happiness, serenity, strength, sadness, melancholy, optimism. Music is amazing. 
3. Food. Oh my gosh, how I love food. It brings so much joy to me to have the ability to try something so delicious and what I love the most is making dinner with my boyfriend. When you make food with love, everything comes out delish.

4. Not a lot of people understand the power of a picture. Anyone can capture the best moment of their life with a camera, and that is a physical object you can have for the rest of your life to remind you of the good times.

5. My puppy Duchess. She is not a puppy anymore, but I will always remember her as a tiny little thing that fell asleep on my arms as we took her home for the first time. She lights up my day when she puts her head on the bed next to me to wake me up. 

6. Summer. Right now, in the middle of winter, I'm missing summer so much that I'm already window internet shopping for summer dresses. 

7. I love the way babies smell. Hahaha, I know that is weird but they all have this smell that just drives me coo coo bananas, its a mixture of baby powder, baby wipes, milk, and a little bit of vomit. Ha! I love it. 

8. I love lazy Sundays. The feeling of being able to just not do a damn thing, wearing sweats and a t-shirt, watching movie after movie is pure bliss. 

9. Praying. Those few moments of prayer to acknowledge the greater being out there who has given me everything up to this moment and is watching over my loved ones and giving me the chance to be something great. 

10. Saving the best for last like always.... my one and only best friend, lover, and partner in crime, Iovan. Forever grateful for the six years of love and passion we have lived through so far and hopefully another hundred to go.

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