Thursday, January 13, 2011

La la la love!

I've decided to start saving up money for Rosetta Stone. It is a DVD, CD-ROM, and book program that teaches you different languages. I want to learn French. I think France breathes and births romance and beauty. Besides, I need to learn French for when I go there on one of my many adventures in life. :) The thing about this program is that, it's EXPEN$IVE. But it is OK, bc I have all the time in the world to save $600. I will be saving, five dollars every week, and any extra change that I have lying around I will add to my "Rosetta Stone" secret piggy bank. I can't wait!

A friend shared with us a touching story on Facebook and I'm so glad she did, so that she can remind us that all hope for humanity is not lost. Here's a bit of what she said:

"I had just gotten off of my bus when I went to go stand  and wait for the other one. I saw an older man waiting to cross the busy street and he had a red and white cane so I figured that he was blind.(that sounds kind of wrong. I don't mean to label him as that just because of the cane, there could have been many other reasons why he had one but I kind of knew he was. I don't know...but I'm sorry if that sounds like labeling. That wasn't my intention.)  I was looking his way because I was looking to see if the bus was coming and I noticed that he started crossing the street and he bumped into the side of a car (because the idiot driver was past the white line for pedestrians to cross!) so that kind of worried me. So I kept watching him while he made his way around the car and kept walking but then an ambulance siren sounded pretty close so he stopped midway to the other side of the street and waited for it to pass. The ambulance took a while to finally pass and by the time it did the red hand signal was already up but the man was still in the middle of the street. I figured "Oh he'll be fine. Common sense that the people coming towards him won't go because they'll see the cane,and see that you know he's blind and elderly." Tell me why traffic started moving?
The cars were going and the man was panicking because he couldn't get passed. I couldn't believe it. Who in their fucking right mind would go when they see ANYONE crossing the street?!?!? I was in shock for a second but then I realized I needed to go help him or else someone was going to hit him. I had literally taken ONE step when I saw a man jump out of his car, wave his arms in the air, scream at the top of his lungs for the cars to stop while he reached the old man. The cars stopped, the man who got out of his car grabbed a hold of the old man and helped him safely cross the street and got him where he needed to go to. At this point I just started crying. I didn't realize I had been holding back my panic and I took a deep breath of relief. "
Love it. Love the stranger that helped the elderly man. Love my friend for noticing that amazing act of kindness and being able to share it with us. <3 <3 <3

Good Deed Day 3: Bought one of my favorite chocolate chip cookies on my way out from work and went looking for the first homeless person out in the street. I came across one in less than a minute. She looked like she was in her early 20's. The look in her face she had when I have her a cookie was so rewarding. I mean, it was a cookie! Maybe she was also glad that someone acknowledge her and gave her some type of connection. Everyone needs contact, it was what we yearn since birth. We as babies cry so that our mothers can pick us up and hold us in her arms. I walked away with a smile in face, it was so contagious that I felt like my heart was smiling too. :) Next time, someone is getting a turkey sandwich. <3

I and its wonders.

"May the sun always shine on your windowpane; May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain; May the hand of a friend always be near you; May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you." -Irish blessing <3

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