Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Today, my kindness was tested. Like I've said before, I'm trying to live with a whole new vibe. I want to be positive, I want to bring positive, I want to live in the positive. I know that its not gonna be easy though. You are always gonna be tested. Even if its a small thing, it's still a test. But today, my kindness was definitely tested. Some people just bring in a bad mood to a place and maybe they don't realize it, but they should, and if you are so down, then maybe you should talk to someone about it. Venting is good. They also don't realize that that bad mood is contagious. AND I tried really hard to send out good vibes by smiling and being super duper polite! But I felt the more I did that....the more it was being rejected. Well, anyways, I, immediately felt sad and down too. I was confused and began to over think. Why is this person so mad? Is this person upset with me? And if that person is, what in the world did I do? AND HOW CAN I MAKE IT BETTER?! 

My mind goes 100 miles per hour as you can see. I over think everything, I make it my job to bring a solution to EVERY problem, and that needs to stop. So I stopped for a good two minutes and let out this big sigh. 


Whatever is this person's problem is their own and not mine. Sometimes, it's not your place to fix someone's problem if they don't ask for help.  (I truly hope that you have resolved whatever has you down).So, I was keeping myself busy, but it was still gnawing in the back of my head. That is until I saw some roses. Lol. That was it. Roses. They put me in such a happy mood to be able to see pink and yellow roses. I was staring at them for a good few minutes. Flowers are so beautiful, the color, the texture, the life that they bring out into a room. It's amazing the power flowers hold over me and this world. I mean, think about it, flowers are used EVERY day to celebrate something incredible. Flowers for a new mother and her newborn baby, a graduate, a lover whom loved spending time with their special someone, newlyweds, and just for a regular day to cheer up a loved on who is having a bad day. 

Thank you roses for saving me from a grumpy mood.

Long live flower power

"We are only given today, and never promised tomorrow. So be sure to tell someone you love them"
Good Deed Day 2: I found an iPhone 4 and returned it back to its rightful owner.


  1. What's the name of the flower on the fifth pic ?

    1. Honestly, I don't know, I just searched up flowers on Google and this came up, sorry!
