Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bloop bloop goes the little fishy in the tank...

So today, the Bears vs. Packers game brought out the worst in me. Ugh! I dislike how angry and over protective I get. Blah! I start writing dumb things on my Facebook wall, and I'm pretty sure I come off as a dumbbutt. <- I'm gonna try not to swear on my blog. Lol. 

Anyways, I've come to realize that I am done trying so hard to be friends with people who are clearly not interested in being mine. I just think that there should be some kind of respect or even consideration that should be given to each other, and I'm obviously not the receiver of that from some. Hmmm. But it is ok. I hope that they do give that to their other friends. 

And another thing, please stop being fake. If it doesn't look good on anyone, then it doesn't look good on you.

On that note, I want to say that I am not a saint. I've also treated some poorly because I didn't think they were worth my time. I've realized now that friends that give nothing but love are worth my time. The only thing that lasts in this world is love. Find it before its too late because without love....there is no happiness. 

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