Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Decisions decisions

So as I was waiting at the expo line waiting to pick up a food for one of my customers. The sous chef looked like he was stressed out. I asked him what was wrong and he said he couldn't decide what to eat and that he was just so sick of eating the same things over and over again............

How he doesn't realize how lucky he is to have the ABILITY to fret about what he should have to eat for dinner tonight is mind boggling. A million of homeless people DON'T have the right to choose what they can or cannot eat. Thousands of homeless people DON'T have any dinners that come close to what they take out of garbage dumpsters. Hundreds of homeless people DON'T have ANY decisions of what to eat.

Never make anything so insignificant like deciding what to eat significant. Next time when you are frustrated about not being able to decide between the juicy hamburger or the never ending pasta, just pick one WITHOUT even thinking. Be happy you can pick. Don't make your life hard with easy decisions. Be appreciative for what you can have. And if you really want to make something you may think insignificant into significant, pick both the burger and the pasta, have one to go and give it to the first person that REALLY needs it. 

Give and don't expect to get something back except the satisfication you feel in that beautiful heart of yours. 

Love and Be Loved <3

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