Monday, January 24, 2011

Detoxication is the best medication

So I did it. I broke the chain I had between me and Facebook. I just couldn't take it anymore, I felt like I was on that thing 24/7 just looking at what other people were doing with their lives while I was wasting mine away in front of the computer. I will eventually activate it again, but not until I learn to live without it for at least a while. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a great way to rekindle old friendships and communicate with family that are living in a different country. Another thing why I wanted to get rid of Facebook was because people were just so negative in that network. I mean, every other status was "FML this....FML that". I know that I used to be one of those, and I was actually very good at complaining. But I'm tired of being a whiner. I want to be a winner

I'm not gonna lie, I've been tempted so many times to activate it again but I'm fighting it! 


That is hilarious. I just tried to go and search a picture of someone karate chopping a computer and I type Oy vey. This is gonna be a challenge. Lol. 


I think we all need to disconnect from online social networks once in while and maybe going back to actually socializing in person. What ever happened to that? I mean, can you actually remember what your life was before Facebook or Myspace? Now, we have created different personas online and we lose our real selves. Anyone can be anyone online, which is kinda scary. We need to go back to living life without having to write every living moment of it in a box that allows only 420 characters. I checked.

I guess its hard to break the chains from social networking when the temperature is below zero and you don't want to do anything but be inside two blankets with a hot chocolate in your hand and the mouse in the other. 

Summer, I miss you, but I will patiently wait for you and when you come, I will take advantage of you like no other. You will remember my name this Summer, Summer. :)

I promise to sit underneath a tree.
I promise to eat outside as much as possible. 
I promise to visit the water and to swim with the sun.
I promise to take long jogs with nothing but beautiful music in my ears.
I promise to wear skirts and nothing but. I love you jeans, but my legs need to breath.
I promise to kiss my love under a hot humid night and tell him how I love to see his smile next to the sun. 

Till then, I'm gonna activate my old network. Its called Life. You should join it with me. <3

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