Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nice deed? Indeed.

So my friend and I decided to start doing something nice once a day. Sort of to put out good energy out there. Everyone deserves to be done something nice to. Even something, like our planet. I've decided to do something nice for someone and this lovely blue planet once a day. 

Today, I cleaned a million and one bird cages. Hehehe, OK, not really, but I cleaned five bird cages for my bf's mother, who is currently out of the country. I didn't have to do it, but I did it. Its not an easy task. Have you ever cleaned a bird cage for a couple of old birds? It smells worse than my dog's poop or even...

Sorry, I gagged for a second there. 

Anyways, I decided to do it without a grumpy face and without being told to do so. I love my bf's mother, and she, like any other mother, needs to be done something nice to....every day. Bc without them, we would not be here. Without their womb to shelter us and feed us for nine months, we would not be in this beautiful green Earth. Love you mothers. Especially mine. 

I didn't really get to do anything for the planet today. :( Well, I mean, I marveled at the beautiful snow that was falling so dainty on the ground. I took some appreciation for the incredible scenery that nature has provided us so many times without charge. <3 Snow, you are so beautiful. 

I haven't finished cleaning my room today. I only got to clean the exterior, because once I got to the cabinets and dressers I was more organizing then throwing away and that wasn't the point. The point was to get rid of unnecessary objects. Its so hard to part with memories. I guess it's easier said then done.

People, keep EVERYONE that was injured during that tragic shooting in Arizona in your thoughts and prayers. It makes me sad that only the Rep. Gifford is only being mentioned in the news. I am also sad for her and her family, but there were others that were also affected and are fighting for their life. Lets keep our heads up in this heinous act of violence. Anyone that is out there of thinking of hurting themselves or other people, think twice of the sadness you cause. Death is not the answer, and neither is hate. Love is the solution and hugs are the icing on the cake. 

You are all amazing and together we can all create a light brighter than the sun. <3


  1. 1st! j.k. i never really got that.

    I agree with that Birdcage smell, something about bird poop...blah :-P. She's going to be so happy though!
    I brought home Mexican pastries for my family, is that a good thing? Now thinking about it, maybe its a bad thing b/c its sugar and calories. Speaking of sugar and calories, it is exactly what "icing on a cake is". Therefore hugs are bad?? No, hugs are great! but maybe in moderation.

  2. Your blog is sooooo uplifting, I seriously love it, and I love that picture at the top! I'm glad you're still keeping up with the nice thing a day! Two nights ago I was in the lounge with no busser and every time I brought my dishes back the dishwasher would be like, "Just leave em, Yulia!" haha So i gave him a few bucks at the end of the night which I've never done! :)

  3. Hahaha! Yulia....I LOVE THAT! Those guys do deserve to be acknowledge! You're amazing!!!!
