Monday, November 24, 2014

Lovely Mondays

I love the fact that I'm nestled safely in the car my husband gave me so that I don't suffer in this weather. 

I love The Walking Dead. 

I love the smell of popcorn. 

I love when my handsome is working on our house to make it feel like home sweet home. 

I love that my parents love my Le Creep as much as I do. 

I love Wilco. They make magical music. 

And finally, I love this picture. Even though it caused many strokes and chaos, it was warming to see many people impatiently waiting for the real announcement. And even though I am not yet with little bambino or bambino, I know that when I am, there will be so many people to love him or her. 

Happy Thanksgiving peeps! 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Serves you right...

Working in the service industry has given me the opportunity to see the many faces of ugly and good. There seem to be an abundance of people that just can't seem to be content with anything. I'm serious- they have deep issues. After many years, I've learned to let things roll off of me and just not let it get to me. I take pity and even laugh it off. Many times, I laugh. Many times, I drink. But just one drink but damn does that one drink taste heavenly.

The stories my coworkers(friends) have to tell, could give any normal person nightmares for days. We are beyond normal though, we have the thickest of skins, and we prevail (but, there is one or two servers that go absolute bonkers and you never hear of them again.) We survive to work another day, to tell another story, and to encounter an even worst customer than the last one.

The worst story I've heard was this one; A customer to X person: I can buy you.

Summbitch told another human being that they could buy them.

I'll leave that gem right there...let it sink in.

Many coworkers say they've become numb to it, but I'd like to say I just get stronger. Nevertheless, I love my job, because all loonies and douchies aside, I still get to meet many awesome people, which I could spend hours talking to. I'd like to think they used to work in the service industry before and know how it really is but I also like to think that they are truly genuine good people that appreciate the fact that they can afford to eat at a nice restaurant and enjoy the ambiance of it all.

I adore those people, and also, each day is never ever the same. I love that.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Lovely Mondays...

I love setting my mind on making something delicious for my husband, and it comes out perfect.

I love "Hey Do You Remember...?" podcast. It's hilarious. Check it out. :)

I love that I have talented friends and family.

I love that when I'm in the kitchen in the morning and I hear my sleepy husband go down the stairs, every time I turn around he looks at me and sends me a kiss.

I love it when the Metra workers forget to pick up my ticket and I get a free ride.

I love that Hunger Games: Mockingjay is coming out soon!

I love this picture...with all my heart...

Monday, November 3, 2014

Lovely Mondays

I love days were I get cut and get to spend my day with husband 

I love making the best possible dinner that makes him say "this might be your second signature dish" 

I love the smell of a clean puppy

I love the smell of clean linens.

I love a beautiful 70 degree fall day 

I love picking up the leaves on my backyard and feel like I've done something productive 

I love Netflix 

I love our dens couch. 

I love seeing him smile. 

I love that he knows he can do a anything 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Like father like son-in-law...

Growing up wasn't always princesses and ponies. I didn't have sleepovers and went to fancy summer camps. 50% percent of my memories growing up was my father and I going to Home Depot. We'd spend hours and hours picking up drywall, nails, caulk, plumbing tape, 2x4's, etc, etc, etc. I loved it growing up, the smell of lumber, the pretty chandeliers in the lighting section, and the beautiful kitchen and bathroom displays. 

Growing up, my family and I didn't live in the best places, we'd move from one place to another, but it was never down. My father always made sure we went up, up, up. The man would always fix the apartments we'd live in to make it seem like home sweet home. He truly did. In fact, this one time the owner of the apartment we lived in once wanted to switch places with us because he loved what my dad had done with the place. 

Growing up, I was always his little assistant. I could be handing him a screwdriver, holding in place a 2x4, or carrying the nail box as he nailed down the drywall he was holding in place with his head. The best conversations I ever had with my dad was me sitting on a upside down bucket and watching him hammer away at the wall, fixing our plumbing, or changing a light. 

Growing up, I saw my dad as the best handyman I've ever seen. This man is so talented in his profession that he never ceases to amaze me. I'm so proud of him. 

Earlier today, my dad had come to help us with a little bit of some construction we are doing. He left and as I sat down on an insulation roll, and I looked up, I realized I was home.  

Monday, October 27, 2014

Lovely Mondays

I love Mondays, I truly do. It's always the beginning of new possibilities..

I love my job. No matter the ugly souls that sometimes trickle on to spoil your day.

I love positive words. 

I love the word "yes" 

I love the fact that whenever I wake up from a nightmare, I will always find my husband on my side to calm me. 

I love food. 

I love running in the afternoon with my husband and puppy. 

I love the love inside everyone has.

             Ladybug on my finger 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

"Hi, this is my husband..."

Project M: 

Day 5, 

It's been one year, 6 months, and 23 days since I married Prince Charming, and it still hasn't settled in that I get to introduce him as my husband to my friends and coworkers. I almost feel like I should say "juuuust kidding" afterwards, but no, this man is my husband- not joking at all. This handsome, adorable, silly man is my family. 

I hope this feeling never goes away. 

I'm on the train right now, and all I smell stinky feet and nasty flatulance from the guy behind me. Oh my god, it's so rancid. 

Lady in front of me is drunk as a skunk and they are asking for her ticket. The conductor just asked her if he can see her ticket. She just smiles and says yeah. And she keeps smiling and he's smiling. It is so awkward. 

P.s. Today I loves the older people that came in today. Just the sweetest, I wanted to hug them all. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Puppy love

Project M:
Day 4,

  I can't believe that it's been 6 years since my puppy has been born. Late last night while laying on our bed, I was craving to see some pictures of my Duch and I stalked my husbands facebook albums. He has so many pictures of her and I immediately regretted searching them up.

   She looked so young, of course, but as I looked back, I couldn't exactly remember what we were doing in that specific moment when I took that picture. Where had time gone? My baby girl so adventurous and a ball full of mischief. She has given me so many years already and I wish I could relieve them again and again and again. 

   Looking at her now, as she is laying on her bed and snoring like a sailor, her features have roughned up. Her muzzle full of grays and lips hanging more than usual. I can't bear the thought when that's all she will want to do. Just lay in bed and sleep and not be bothered bc her joints hurt and she doesn't want/can't move. Right now, she still has that puppy energy. She wags her tail as soon as she hears me shuffling around the bed in the morning. She waits impatiently by the door for her morning walk. I never want that to go. I never for one second want to see her shrug off the notion of an afternoon walk. I love her so. I will miss her so. 

Today, I loved her little bark at me as I was shredding cooked chicken. She wanted that chicken so badly.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Lovely Mondays

Love dinners with my husband. 

Love cooking in my kitchen. 

Love the white clouds on a crisp blue sky afternoon. 

Love good talks about random things.

Love Tina Fey's "Bossypants" (read it twice) 

Love Duchess' head nudges. 

Love The Cure on a good fall day. 

Love the shadows from an afternoon sunset.

Moving Mondays

Project M:

Day 3,

After a weekend of a sister sleepover which included pigging out, walking dead marathon, and more pigging out, I feel ready for this Monday. I shall take this Monday by it's balls and throw them to the fire! I still can't believe I don't drink coffee. Sometimes I don't know how I do it. It must be the spirit inside of me. It must be the promise of a beautiful blessed day. Or the fact that I get to just be a part of this world.

Saturday night I watched Hocus Pocus with my sister and husband. My sister and I were grinning like idiots whenever our favorite scenes came on (mine would have to be when Winnie sings and casts that spell on the horny adults). I'd turn my head once in a while to see my husband just watch the movie in total boredom but he was nice. Usually when a movie rubs him the wrong way, he'll Roger Ebert the shit out of it. Don't get me wrong, this movie has all kinds of dumb scenarios but it's got all the right feels. I don't know. Ok, I'm just not explaining it right.

Today, I loved how easy work was.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

I've got a CRUSH on you

Project M:

Day 2,

On this sweetest day, I thought about the first sweetest day Prince Charming and celebrated together. In high school, they had this candy gram and he sent me a can of "crush" during second period. Attached to it was a sweet note and all the girls around me "ooooooed". Yeah, I was one lucky girl.

Last week, I stumbled upon our high school love letters and I can honestly say with much happiness that P.C. has kept his word so far.

I was thinking that every person deserves a sweet soul like my husband. Everyone deserves a person who will protect and love and respect through and through. There is no need to be in a relationship that is one sided. No one should be with a fixer upper person. You should come in a relationship with much love and adoration for a person that you don't feel the need to change them so you'd like them better. You should be with a person that makes you feel better.

I'm surrounded by two amazing men that have so much love to give to their women. My dad and my husband. They both have shown me what it is to love a women and see to it that they have the sun, the moon, stars and the beauty of the flowers.

Today, while my dad was talking to my husband, my mom asked my dad a question and without missing a beat in his conversation with my husband, he answered my mom. Because, no one puts mom in a corner.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Thursday night rambling

Project M:

Day 1,

Today, I lost it. In the most childish way, I lost it. For about four months or so, maybe more, there has been this dislike for somebody that has just been snowballing inside me and it's become intolerable. Just the sight of this person makes me want to punch a wall until my knuckles bleed dry, and don't get me started on their voice. Their voice means a death of a thousand puppies. It's that unbearable.

The fact is, this feeling of "hatred" (and I put it in quotation marks bc I don't like using that word or even feeling it) that has harbored inside of me is really starting to take a toll on me. I can't concentrate and just like Cady heron, word vomit just spills out incessantly.

It also doesn't help that I've been surrounded by this negativity fog lately and it's not this Mercury Retrograde thing. I've been feeling like that for a while now. It's not depression. I think it's less serious. I guess I can blame laziness that's come over me. I don't want to see the positive in anything because sometimes being positive just drains so much energy. You know that phrase "fake it till you make it". There was so much falseness and not enough of a genuine feeling. So I stopped trying and I freaked out more often. Looking for the bad in everything so I had something to blame why things didn't work out the way i wanted them to. Ugh, this paragraph is making me upset. Of course, I love positivity. It's the ONLY way to be. But like I've said, I'm caught in this negative tornado and I can't see land yet.

Moving on-  to cut this short there's been a voice inside of me that has been telling me to quit it. Also, Dr. Alchemist has been given me some positive thoughts. I very much appreciate Doc.

Uuuugh, someone just farted and it stinks. And I'm surrounded by three women so I know one of them is not very classy.

Anywho, I've started a project. I hope to see it through.

One last word vomit of this ass that makes me cringe. This person calls me "happy pants" and that fact that this person DOES NOT make me happy just makes my blood boil. I shall call this person Sad Pants.

Today I loved my hot chocolate in the morning.  

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sundae (I'm not hungry)

So let's see what has happened since the last post. 

ISIS is the newest terrorist threat to 'murica. 

Ebola is here. (Dust off your zombie killing skills) 

Fall/winter is here/coming.

Apple unveiled their newest phone iTaco 6.

Oh and my husband bought me a car. 


On our anniversary, he went all Oprah on me "and YOU get a car! (But you have to pay for insurance, gas, city stickers, floor mats, oil change...etc)"

I'm so grateful. Oh my lord, am I ever. He's the most wonderful person I've ever met. So I only have one more wish. 

Dear Chicago weather, I know we are technically in Fall, but can you hold off the rainy, windy cold days. I just found out how amazingly good it feels to have the windows and sun roof open while blasting my favorite songs. Oh my goodness, dare I say it's better than eating? Yes. Yes it is. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

El Gran CaƱon

Part 2- Grand Canyon, I miss you.

Let's start where I left off with my boots. So to skip the suspense, my boots dried. Thank you dry heat, thank you newspaper, and thank you hotel AC.

We wake up early in the morning to a nice morning chill. Our one hour drive from Flagstaff was so peaceful and easy that it made the morning that much beautiful. We passed more crazy signs, such as, "managed fire" "watch out for bulls"? Lol, yeah, that one happened. As we got closer to the canyon, the roads and forest were consumed with a thin veil of smoke from the managed fire, it was a pretty cool sight to see.

Well, we get to the Grand Canyon, we stretch, we apply sunscreen and double check we have everything, and of course we don't. Marce forgot  the camera's battery we had charged the previous night. Oy vey. Thankfully the one we had was used very little the day before.

After a few "I'm sorries", we finally managed to get to the entrance of the trail. I can't explain what I felt when I saw it. It was big, definitely big. Haha. But the thing I loved so much about It was the fact that it was so quiet, even with all the people arriving and "ooooing" and "aaaahing". It was something out of this world. You get there and the pictures you see from your 6th grade geography book can't even compare to the vast beauty and intimidating presence. The Grand Canyon was alive. It was a breathing living place.

We start walking down and the first thing we see is poop. Mule poop everywhere. Apparently, you can ride a mule up and down the Grand Canyon. So we carefully gave each other heads up when there was poop. We even got a chance to see a mule train. Poor things, I hope they are not being over worked.

Anywho, before I continue, I want to make note that we started at 8 in the morning. The recommended time to hike the Grand Canyon is before 10 am and 4 pm. The mister thought that it wouldn't be so bad and later on I almost killed him bc of this genius idea.

Ok, so we are barely down the one mile marker and I'm kinda freaking out bc I was feeling a little sweaty and a little tired bc gravity was being a little bitch as we were walking down the somewhat steep trail. We get to the rest house and refill our water bottles and these cute squirrels come out of nowhere and started begging for food. They literally would  put both of their front paws to beg. One of them even took a peek inside our backpacks. So cute. So we continue our hike and passed by this volunteer ranger. He stopped and asked us how we were doing and how far we are thinking of going. The mister tells him that our plan was originally to go down 6 miles. Yeah, you read that right. The volunteer says that it's not a good idea and hubby decides that we at least have to go down 4.5 miles to the Japanese garden. The volunteer also tells us that we might be pushing it. He let us proceed but told us to keep hiking with caution.

We continue down, and as we are walking down, I couldn't help but notice half a dozen people just drenched in sweat, their cheeks flushed red, chugging water like it was a matter of life or death. The people walking up were total zombies, you could see it in their eyes that the only that mattered to them was seeing that exit. Some people still had some energy left to smile at us and say hi. That gave me a bit of relief but I was still shaking in my boots. I followed my mister and I just watched him with so much happiness bc he was happy. He was pumped up with life. He'd stop and take pictures, remind me to drink water and just go "wow, look at this." every minute he could. He was my water. As we got closer to the Japanese garden, we were pretty much on our own. Every five minutes we'd probably see someone hiking up. On one occasion we heard a clink and clank and clink and clank. We looked back and we see this older man, probably closer to 55-60 just strolling down with a backpack. It almost seemed like he was in a hurry. I asked him where he was headed and the next response pretty much knocked the wind out of me. He said, "On my way down to my kayak. Just went up to get some more beer." As he patted his backpack like he had precious treasure inside and smiled like a five year old.

The man hiked up just to go get some more beer to bring down to his the ten more miles down. Jesus H. Christ.

Mister and I just looked at each other in awe and almost ashamed bc here we are, a couple of twenty year olds, and a little scared of the hike coming back up. So we finally arrive to our destination and are welcomed with shade and restrooms. Although at this point, we are sweating so much that we really don't need to use the restroom. We are cliff bars, elevated our legs, and filled up our camelbacks. More of the furry critters come to beg for food and they provided some amusement. Thirty minutes passed and as soon as I felt relaxed the husband says "ok, let's go back up."

 It wasn't even thirty minutes from our rest that I told him that we needed to stop. I felt fatigued. The sun was beaming down so hard that I felt like skin might just slide off my bones. My body was reaching medium well, the skin felt charred and my insides felt grey. All the while my husband had energy left for the both of us. So we start up again and my husband looks back at me and continues to talk to me. I couldn't even think of responding back bc I was using all of my concentration on telling my feet to keep walking up. One time as we were about to pass by some people coming down, he said "Let's scare them and act like we are so tired." Act?!?! Act?!? I almost felt like crying for some added drama, but even if I wanted to, there wasn't enough water from my body. I've never loved drinking water so much in my life like I did that day. I kept my water tube in my mouth pretty much all the way till the end.

 I think I made him stop ten more times, one of them being for like forty minutes. But not wanting to disappoint myself, I gave myself a pep talk and told myself that if that old man can do it, so can I. So we restart the hiking with the intention to not stop. I kept my arms at my waist (that definitely helped me breathe better and felt less tired), and the fact that I knew a burger and two beers will be waiting for me that night were definitely my motivators.

Ok, ok, now I know that I probably made this all sound scary. It wasn't. It was just a small challenge and a wake up call to the fact that I'm quite out of shape. If you ask me if I'd do it again, I'd say yes in a heartbeat. I want to go back in the same conditions. My surrounding was breathtaking, my companion was my best friend and my motivator, and the pain in the end was sweet and a reminder of the day I was able to experience.

We get to the top as we held each other hands. We decided to stay and watch the sunset. Finally, we drive back home and we witnessed a forest on fire in the middle of the night. It was beautiful and frightening at the same time. An image that will forever be in my head. So I didn't get my beer. I almost didn't want to eat my burger. I just wanted to fall asleep so that I could dream about that canyon. The beautiful Grand Canyon.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Up sh*t creek...

West coast trip- let's start with our airplane ride. We didn't check in on time so that the mister and I could sit together, so we ended up sitting on opposite aisle seats. It was ok because I sat next to a sweet lady who became a friend by the end of the flight. She was on her way to a convention and was her second time going. She was recommending all these places to go in Sedona. I truly appreciated her because she made the airplane ride not seem so scary and long. Oh, and the hubby had a woman that was breast feeding her kid next to him, so his trip was alright too. Lol.

So we get to Phoenix and boy was it hot. I mean, even in the shadow I felt like we were standing in an oven. On our way to Sedona in our "ok" rental car we were fascinated by the mountains and the beautiful landscape of Arizona. The road signs were also something new and hilarious, i.e, "Watch for falling rocks", "Please turn off AC and roll down windows to prevent overheating of the car", "Watch out for wildlife". Ok, maybe they weren't hilarious, just a little scary.

We get to Sedona and our jaws were on the floor. I felt like we were in some beautiful painting. The colors, the height, the majesty of it all. The mister parked the car for our first hiking experience. It was Bell Rock and even this seemed somewhat intimidating. We weren't the only ones, there were lots of families and couples just taking what seemed like a normal hike to them.

See, before coming to this trip we made sure to come prepared with our hiking shoes, socks, proper clothing attire, even our "safari" hats like mama Tarullo calls them. But these families came with normal clothing, sandals, and no hats. Oh well, better to be over prepared than under. Five minutes into our hiking I was sweating, but in my defense it was hot. 90 degrees feeling like 100. What shocked me so much as we were just halfway was the amount of children hiking! I mean, they were way further up than us and just scaling. They damn well put me to shame.

On our next stop, we decided to do a few sightseeing spots and then stopped at this park that had a nice little creek. This creek was so serene and refreshing. It's always comes as a shock to me when I can see at the bottom of any type of body of water. (Thanks for traumatizing me Chicago river.) We walked to this place where people were just swimming and relaxing by the side of the creek with their dogs. On this little part of our trip two things happened, good and bad. The mister and I dropped our stuff and crossed the creek on this fallen tree trunk. I was so proud of myself because I crossed it faster than him with my monkey skills. As i was on the other side, I decided to take off my shoes and dip my feet in. It was cold. It was so cold and I couldn't believe people were swimming in it but after giving it a minute or two I was able to get used to it. I was in Ariel mode. Haha! Now on to the bad part- well see the thing is, I did not know how to get back to the other side because I was not able to do the same thing I did coming over. So I thought that walking across the creek in the water would be fine. Oh, silly me. First mistake, I didn't think it through. Second mistake, was the way I decided to get in the water and that was by jumping down on to a rock that was in the creek. I'm sure you know what happened next. With one hand holding on to my huge hiking boots and socks and the other hand trying to support myself as I jumped down, I touched the rock in the creek with my toe and felt the slickness to it, it was the worst "oh shit" moment of my life. As I was submerged halfway in the creek, a boot fell out of my hand, and I looked at it float by past me. It was my second "oh shit" moment. As I was rapidly trying get up, I fall down a second time but this time the hand that had the other shoe went down with me as I instinctively tried to prevent myself from falling on my ass. Third "oh shit" moment. I was finally able to get up and get my shoe, with a sigh of relief, I look to where the husband was only to see him still sitting down and shaking his head. I screamed, "you should've at least taken a picture!" As I walk out of the creek, the couple that was swimming on the side were smiling as they asked me if I was ok. I said yeah but my boots weren't.

Walking towards my husband as he was still shaking his head made me feel like I was back to being 7 years old and in trouble with my parents. But I really was in trouble. See, the next day we were supposed to hike the Grand Canyon and my waterproof boots felt like they were water beds for my tiny feet. I was so scared that this would ruin our trip. So I squeezed (have you ever tried squeezing hiking boots? it's impossible) pressing, shaking and shaking and shaking the boots but it seemed like it was to no avail. I searched up how to dry shoes as fast as possible and I found out that stuffing newspapers inside was one of them. So throughout the rest of the day I dangled my shoes out the window, hoping the dry heat from Arizona would help me, and changing the newspaper every hour. That same day my husband said we were to hike up a mountain. Trying to remember what other shoes I brought I thought of my white squeaky clean sneakers, which I forgot to bring socks for, and flip flops. Picked the sneakers and the husband let me borrow a pair of black socks. (That is why in some of the pictures I posted on facebook show me wearing white shoes with black socks.) I hope no one of you caught that but if you did now you know that I have a good explanation for my fashion faux pas.

So, to close out this long ass post of our FIRST day from our west coast trip, we hiked that mountain with my now slightly orange white sneakers, I kissed my Prince Charming at the top of the world, drove to Flagstaff in plain darkness through a mountain at 25 mph, boots outside the window, and ended the night with a much needed burger and beer.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Home Sweet Home

As my husband and I recently celebrated our one year in our home, I realized what a long way I've come and how blessed I am to live in one of the most beautiful towns of Illinois.

The fact of the matter is that I am thankful for my mom and dad because I know I am where I am because of them. Ever since my parents came to live in the United States, we didn't always have  it easy but my parents always tried to create a safe environment with the little money they had. Like any Mexican family trying to achieve the American dream, we had to start from the bottom, the bottom of bottoms. We lived in basements and in the worst neighborhoods one can ever imagine but my dad fixed up those basements and mom cleaned those apartments so we would have a safe place to be.

I remember many times when we lived at Little Village, in the middle of the night, gang members would start fights. I never realized the danger of it bc I was only 7. One night I woke up to walk to my parents room, and I found them crouched underneath the window sill. They pulled me down so that if a stray bullet or broken glass came flying through it would not kill me. One day, in that very same apartment, in the middle of daylight, we heard a gun shot and a scream. This is all a blur to me now, because I think I subconsciously tried to forget this, but i peeked through the curtain, and I saw across the corner a guy lie lifelessly on the front steps. I think weeks later we moved. That's also around the time when I started to grow up and realize the dangers around us. My dad and my mom have always worked hard to keep us moving up, to keep us safe, to give us what they didn't have and more.

 So as you can see, I was not brought up all my life in picket fences, ponies, and rainbows. I was brought up with examples of hard work and I know the value of money. I know that what I have is practically gold but the people around me are diamonds. Forever shining bright to keep me in the right path.

I'm forever blessed for having amazing examples of love and hardworking parents and hardworking husband. Especially him for giving me the castle I live in.

Friday, April 4, 2014

To my alfalfa ❤️

Honestly, everything seems like a blur. But the good kind.

I'm talking about my memories, my past, my life almost ten years ago when I met the love of my life.

Recently my mind has taken me to the past when I'm idle.

The other day I remembered when Iovan and I would be in his jeep and he'd turn up the volume when his favorite song would come out from whichever band he was crushing on and just wail. He would push me to sing with him and I would. That man would make me do things and I wouldn't think twice.

It's stuff like that that will make me smile and laugh when I'm at work just doing mindless stuff and people will ask me "what's so funny?" And I'll just be "oh, nothing, just remembering something."

I love all my memories with him. Good and bad. Because in the end, we are husband and wife. Because in the end, he's the last person I see at night and the first one when I wake up. Because in the end, he's the beginning of everything.

Friday, March 7, 2014

You know, it doesn't take very much to get my mind going, I could be looking at a newspaper then all of a sudden I think of potty training puppies and how much I didn't struggle with duchess and how much I WOULD struggle with a human baby and THEIR potty training. All of a sudden I start thinking how scary it would be to take care of a human being.

That's just a little piece of what happens in Marcela's mind.

Lately, I've had baby brain. No, we are not pregnant and probably won't be for a little longer, but it is nice to just think about it, sometimes not so nice. I lied, it's mostly scary.

I'm 26 and Mexican, with no baby. If I wasn't married I'd be a borderline cat lady for most Mexicans. So the pressure has been put on me since I was 19, no lie.

I would very much love to have babies with my beautiful husband but every time I turn on the tv and watch a bit of news or read the newspapers I think to myself "why would anyone want to bring a life into this cruel, rude, violent world?" "How can I create a bubble around my babies so that nothing evil touches them?" Just those worries stress me out.

I can only imagine how actual parents worry. The world isn't even at the top of my worries. This is what/who I fear for my future babies.

1. Me
2. Me
3. Sickness

Me, because I could seriously harm my child with a blink of an eye.

Me, because I could traumatize them with my crazy ways. They'd blame their insecurities/trust/crazy antics on me. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

Sickness, I don't even want to start with that.

I know, I know, follow my advice don't stress about the future, don't stress about things that haven't even happened. It's hard when it comes to your own babies.

But yes, that's the web(s) in my head I like to spin. It's ok if you call me crazy. I am.

Now, I'm thinking about eating meat on this beautiful lent Friday.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It's hump day.

There is not enough lotion in this world. My hands are rougher than a construction worker. Darn you winter. Darn you.

Anywho, moving on to another important point, I give you number 4

"Be a good teammate.

Life can come at you hard. One of the nice things about marriage and relationships is being able to have someone else in the bunker when you’re getting shelled."

This is true all around. Iovan and I have had some bumps down the road (I'm not talking about in our relationship but around it) and it felt so good to have the kind of support your partner in life can only give you. Of course, you have family and friends that will always be there for you but nothing compares to the relief and love you receive from your loved one.

The only thing your partner wants is for you to be there. Just there. They will be honest with you and tell you to just hold their hand or to just hug them. They won't need a cheer, they won't need advice, sometimes they just want you to be near.


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Too early for fishing in the toilet...

So last night I was rereading my blog because I like to see how many grammar errors I've made (many), and see if I missed something. I was tossing and turning last night and when I woke up this morning I realized that I did. I forgot to mention that my husband is better than any fake Jim Halpert, Ryan Gosling, and Cory.

He's the real deal.

Since the start of our relationship, he's just been the most sweetest, romantic, adorable guy ever. He's done so many things that people who write about romantic and sweet guys, wish they would have thought of. The man never ceases to surprise me. I truly know that I'm on his mind 24/7...along with the Blackhawks. :)

Anywho, moving on to the next TWO points from "50 and counting.."

"2. Forgive.
Didn’t Jesus say something about forgiving someone not just seven times but seventy times seven? That would be 490 times….which should last you through your first 6 months. Jesus underestimated because, remember, he wasn’t married.

3. And forget.
If you forgive but don’t forget, did you really forgive? I know people who claim to have forgiven but still use every available opportunity to bring it up. And if you don’t want to forgive, forgetting works just as well."

I can't count how many things I've done and said to him that didn't piss him off and royally hurt him. I can get mad sometimes and Iovan could be standing in the line of fire and he does not escape my wrath. Though, time and time again has shown how forgiving he has been. 

But you know that saying "I can forgive but I'll never forget", well you're not really 100% forgiving. So when you forgive someone, make sure that in your heart and mind you forget. Forget because it will bring peace to you and into your relationship. It's the only way.

 You have no idea how many couples have said this to me when they talk to me about their problems. It confuses me. They are not progressing, they stay stuck in a rut, or in a vicious cycle. They'll be like "Oh I forgive them, but I can't forget. So I'm allowed to do this because they did this to me and if they say something, I'll just remind them what they did to me."

I hope you get what I just said on that last part of the paragraph. Lol.

So don't just forgive, but also forget. Forget what you're forgiving them for. It's the only way to move forward. I think this applies to everyday life situations. Friends, family, and co-workers.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

I had two glasses of proseco fall on me, but this has nothing to do with it.

So many things to say about this Wednesday, but the right words don't come across my mind though. Does that make sense? I don't know. I almost want to say my emotions get heightened when I start reading a book. It's the most extraordinary and weirdest feeling to have. You are living in two worlds at the same time and both worlds pull so many emotions out of you. I'm not making any sense though, it's 11 pm and I should be in bed right now and I'm not. I'm on the train bc I just got off from work. Right now, I'm feeling blessed, sad, relieved, excited, anxious, avid, creative, exhausted....I can go on forever. I'm also feeling forgiving.

I'm an adult and for a while now I have been looking back in the past and just realizing how many stupid fights, arguments and silent treatments I've had for honestly the dumbest reasons. Because any reason to be mad is dumb. There, I said it. Well ok, there are some extreme exceptions but other than that....just dumb. Someone bad mouthed you, dumb. Someone excluded you, dumb. Someone tried to steal something,  dumb dumb and dumb.

Anywho, that's my Wednesday night in a nutshell. Still fighting the sore throat fight. Phlegm is winning. It's ok though, doesn't seem to be lasting that much longer. I think one more night of medicine and I shall be good. By the way: Hi, I'm 26 years old and I still hate liquid medicine. Yuuuuuuck. Blech! Vomit!

So someone posted this relationship link on Facebook today and I shared it on my profile bc I thought this really hit the nail on the head but I wanted to just kinda add more of my commentary... I think I'll do a "50 and counting"

So the link is about 50 things that will help your relationship and the first one the posted was so good. So I just wanted to babble some more about it, I've put on some AVB on my iPod and I just feel like writing so here it goes.

The first one is called

"1. Burn your blueprint.

Rid yourself of whatever fantasies you harbor about the bliss of coupled life. They’re not helping. There is no script, so don’t be disappointed when your fairytale gets hijacked."

Can we just agree to this? Don't get me wrong, I'm one of those suckers that watches The Office and looks at Jim and Pam, then I'll turn to Iovan and be like "why can't you be more like halpbert?!?!" Or I'll watch The Notebook by myself and text Iovan "why can't you write me 365 love letters?!?!" And so on.

The ideas movies and shows put in our heads are so unrealistic that when you head into a relationship with this notion of finally meeting Prince Charming or the cool, hip, "she's into threesomes" girl, you set your relationship up for fail. Everything in that screen is a lie. So the faster you finally figure out you and your lover are not Cory and Topanga, or Mickey and Minnie Mouse, the better.

But I'm not trying to turn this into a negative.

Your husband or wife has flaws but it is your job, and your job only, to always find the good things about them. Always. Even when your mad.

They are better than any tv character. They are real and they married you.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Yelled till they were pink and blue...

It might be the horrible frigid weather, the lack of sunlight, or the extra pounds everyone is trying to hide, but everyone is just super grouchy and it makes me so upset.

This morning the metra was a mess because a train was short a car due to mechanical problems, therefore it was full to the brim. Passengers were squeezing in and staring menacingly at the people literally at the edge of the door trying to bully them into making more room for them. It was impossible. So the people left behind marched right back in to the station to take their frustration at the poor ticket lady. I know that people have every right to be upset for having to get to work late without it being their fault. Time is money, I get it. But why yell at the poor lady behind the window who's only job is to inform and give you your tickets. I mean, a line formed and one by one everyone asked her the same damn question and she gave the same and courteous answer. It's not like she was withholding information or extra trains just for fun. Cursing and yelling was all I heard and It took every ounce in my body not to get up and yell at them, but in the end I would just be like them.

My point is, if you find yourself at the brink of an outburst, remember this

"...let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger..." -James 1:19


"No one likes a grouchy pants." -Me

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Lessons of 2013

Day 2 of 2014 and already so much has happened and by so much I mean, snow. Snow has happened. I can't believe the day would ever come when I've come to despise snow so much. When will it stop?

Anywho, I've recently come to some extra time for myself with this horrible but at the same time magical weather and by extra time I mean "I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE AND WORK BECAUSE I'M GOING INSANE!" And during this time, I've had time to revise this past year and come to realize so many things, so here goes the lessons Mrs. Plascencia  has learned in 2013:

1. The law of's real. Case and point: Got married, purchased a home, and went to Spain. Patience and hard work also a big part of all that. and God, He is all of this.

2. Having a house is wonderful, but I never realized how much I was getting by when I was living with my parents. I mean, do dirty dishes EVER stop appearing? And laundry, OH MY GOODNESS, how much clothes does one man have? Definitely appreciate my mom so much more now. She had to do laundry for five people for a while there, and she also doesn't have dishwasher. God bless that woman.

3. I love my dishwasher. Thank you, Josephine Cochrane, inventor of the dishwasher. 

4. I always thought my relationship with Iovan as boyfriend and girlfriend was amazing. Marriage made it even ten times better. He's definitely the anchor of this love boat but I'm never playing basketball with him.

5. I love having such a huge driveway during SPRING, SUMMER, FALL, but when you don't have a snow blower during winter, my driveway can pretty much suck it. (One good thing about shoveling is the workout my legs are getting since winter has turn me into a sloth on a couch) And by sloth on the couch, I mean just couch. I've become one with the couch. I am couch.

6. I should have listened to my mom more when she would say "Mija, ven a la cocina para que aprendas a cocinar" (Daughter, come to the kitchen so you can learn how to cook). Not that I don't know how to cook now, I can make a mean caldo de pollo. ;) and other things, but THANK GOODNESS for my slow cooker. 

7. Cutting my own hair is now something I do because I can. 

and last but not least, 

8. It doesn't matter the quantity of friends one has, it's the quality

I think the lesson the husband has learned in 2013 is to never play basketball with the wife. She will end up breaking his foot. 

Mr. D. Rose. 

Also please stop with the "New year, New me." It's an unattainable goal, in which you're only setting yourself up for failure. Not that I'm saying don't make goals for yourself, but make a realistic one unless you plan on having reconstructive surgery which includes getting a new brain. Just better yourself and you'll see all the wonders and favors that will come.

Welp, off to shovel some more snow.