Working in the service industry has given me the opportunity to see the many faces of ugly and good. There seem to be an abundance of people that just can't seem to be content with anything. I'm serious- they have deep issues. After many years, I've learned to let things roll off of me and just not let it get to me. I take pity and even laugh it off. Many times, I laugh. Many times, I drink. But just one drink but damn does that one drink taste heavenly.
The stories my coworkers(friends) have to tell, could give any normal person nightmares for days. We are beyond normal though, we have the thickest of skins, and we prevail (but, there is one or two servers that go absolute bonkers and you never hear of them again.) We survive to work another day, to tell another story, and to encounter an even worst customer than the last one.
The worst story I've heard was this one; A customer to X person: I can buy you.
Summbitch told another human being that they could buy them.
I'll leave that gem right there...let it sink in.
Many coworkers say they've become numb to it, but I'd like to say I just get stronger. Nevertheless, I love my job, because all loonies and douchies aside, I still get to meet many awesome people, which I could spend hours talking to. I'd like to think they used to work in the service industry before and know how it really is but I also like to think that they are truly genuine good people that appreciate the fact that they can afford to eat at a nice restaurant and enjoy the ambiance of it all.
I adore those people, and also, each day is never ever the same. I love that.
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