Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sundae (I'm not hungry)

So let's see what has happened since the last post. 

ISIS is the newest terrorist threat to 'murica. 

Ebola is here. (Dust off your zombie killing skills) 

Fall/winter is here/coming.

Apple unveiled their newest phone iTaco 6.

Oh and my husband bought me a car. 


On our anniversary, he went all Oprah on me "and YOU get a car! (But you have to pay for insurance, gas, city stickers, floor mats, oil change...etc)"

I'm so grateful. Oh my lord, am I ever. He's the most wonderful person I've ever met. So I only have one more wish. 

Dear Chicago weather, I know we are technically in Fall, but can you hold off the rainy, windy cold days. I just found out how amazingly good it feels to have the windows and sun roof open while blasting my favorite songs. Oh my goodness, dare I say it's better than eating? Yes. Yes it is. 

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